Soul, do you feel far way from God?


  • Do you know the comfort of God’s presence when days are hard or do feel He has left you on your own?
  • Do you know the healing of His touch or do you feel brittle with a thousand cracks from wounds that never seem to heal?

What we think about God

has everything to do with how we relate to Him.

For the child of God, He is always constant within. We often forget this, relying on feelings rather than faith.  Full and complete, God has no need or lack. He doesn’t enter into relationship with us with any ulterior motive or manipulation.

He is for us with a fierce love. He holds nothing back, not even His Son. Inviting us into His strong embrace with the breath of life, He gives energy to all that we do–simply that we might know Him as our true source of life.  For in Him we live and move and have our being–Acts 17:28.

John 10-10

When Christ is not our source, we struggle to make it on our own.

Sometimes it is tempting to rely on others to meet our needs, rather than trust Christ as our source for every need.

Soul source

Learning to truly live and move in Christ, we can know His fulness on a moment-by-moment basis. In the midst of it all He is with us. This is amazing grace in its most practical form.

When there is silence to our requests, He is our strength.

When confidence flounders, He  is our stability.

When our soul aches and feelings run rampant, He  is comfort.

We are beautiful containers, lovingly designed to receive. He is the provision for every need.

Empty Cup Poem

Day 1: Soul Strength

Day 2: God Himself is Making Me Whole

Day 3: Recharge with a Short Rest for the Soul

Day 4: The Soul Strength of Delighting in God

Day 5: Soul Notes: God’s Smile is for You

Day 6: Soul Search: Why are You so Hard on Yourself?

Day 7: Soul Struggle: What’s the Big Deal About the Flesh?

Day 8: Soul Questions: Do You Like You?

Day 9: My Soul Knows

Day 10: Soul Conflict: Faith or Flesh?

Day 11: Soul Doing: What are You Up To?

Day 12: Soul Sabbath: Discovering the Rest of God

Day 13: Soul Thoughts in Pictures

Day 14: Soul Reach

Day 15: Soul Confidence: You are Enough

Day 16: Soul Messages: What are Your Feelings Telling You?

Day 17: Soul Truth: Feelings of Truth?

Day 18: Soul Blessings for Your Weekend

Day 19: Soul Feelings: Unlocking the Messages

Day 20: Soul Keeping: Taking Care of Your Body

Day 21: Soul Comfort: You are Loved

Day 22: Soul Thriving: Planting Roots of Faith

Day 23: Soul Glow: Shine Like Crazy

Day 24: Soul Puzzle: Finding the Right Fit

Day: 25: Soul Faith: Do You Believe God is Good?

Day 26: Soul Source: Are You Relying on Your own Efforts?

Day 27: Soul Source: Are You Relying on Your own Efforts, Part 2






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John 10-10
Empty Cup Poem
Author of Holy in the Moment: Simple Ways to Love God and Enjoy Your Life, Ginger Harrington is an award-winning blogger, speaker, and ministry leader of Planting Roots: Strength to Thrive in Military Life.