How to Make the Most of Each Day: When Waiting is Hard
How to Make the Most of Every Day: When we Hate to Wait, Part 6
Aghhhh….waiting is hard, and it seems we spend half our days waiting on something or someone. Waiting is uncomfortable, often filled with unanswered questions, frustrations, and uncertainties.
Why You Need to Rest in the Lord
What kind of rest do you need? Feeling overwhelmed and exhausted? Learn why you need to rest in the Lord as you include various kinds of rest in your lifestyle. Trusting God brings a kind of rest that brings life and peace.
Live Love This Valentine’s Day
Loving others well can be challenging. As we focus on love this Valentine's Day, be inspired to receive God's love for you. When we have God's love within, we can love others with a pure heart. Reflections on Agape, God's kind of love found in 1 Corinthians 13 and other passages.
How to Make the Most of Each Day This Year: Let God Bring it, Part 4
The work that bogs down a soul comes when I try to make myself right. Forgetting that God is the only one who can and will bring out His life in me, I run the treadmill of try harder and do more.
How to Make the Most of Each Day This Year: Commit Your Way, Part 3
Have you ever tried to go two directions at once? It isn't possible. You can't go left and right at the same time, and you can't live for yourself and for God at the same time.
How to Make the Most of Each Day This Year: Delighting in God, Part 2
In today's media-bombarded culture, there's always something new to delight in. Enjoying God can seem like a nebulous activity of the super spiritual, yet over and over God calls our hearts to find our delight in Him.
How to Make the Most of Each Day: Dwell and Cultivate, Part 1
Lessons for a life well-lived spread across the pages of my Bible, and I discover a formula for making the most of every opportunity and standing firm in every challenge. Join me for a look portions of Psalm 37:How to make the most of each day this year.
The Best Solution to a Resolution Rut
Let the lessons of yesterday show you where to dig in this year.Trust God to place in you the desires and goals that come from His heart to yours. Believe He will bring out the best in you as you walk in faith. This year, let grace make every day your best day as you go deep with God.