Soul Conflict: Faith or Flesh?
As those who have committed our hearts to Christ, we can still feel the conflict between our bent for self-reliance and our desire to walk free in the Spirit. Sometimes this conflict rages undetected, wearing at our souls and draining the energy right out of our hearts. Over time, we discover there is a world of difference between knowing with our minds and truly knowing in the depths of our beliefs and experience. Knowledge without going through the crucible of experience does not fully penetrate the depths of our soul knowledge.
My Soul Knows Bless the Lord, ambulance O my soul, And all that is within me, blessHis holy name. Bless the Lord, thumb O my soul, And forget none of His benefits; Who pardons all your iniquities, Who...
Soul Questions: Do You Like You?
Soul Struggle: What’s the Big Deal About the Flesh?
When God searches our souls He uncovers the things holding us back and pulling us in. He puts His finger on our soul struggles.
Soul Search: Why are You so Hard on Yourself?
We search and inspect, looking for every flaw. We measure and count, grading and comparing that which is precious before GodAs if we are the judge and the jury. Truly, we are often kinder to others than to ourselves. What if I learn to let go of the standards I have defined for myself?
Soul Notes: God’s Smile is for You
Welcome to day 5 of the 31 day writing challenge. Normally I only post a couple of times a week, and it's easy for me to think, "nobody wants to hear from me everyday." For my regular readers, I hope you'll enjoy the opportunity to see what God...
The Soul Strength of Delighting in God
Loving God... and delighting in Him, medicine is the truest work of the soul. Yet how often do we chase after delight and satisfaction in countless counterfeit pursuits? John Piper states "He is the end of our search, not the means to some...
Recharge with a Short Rest for the Soul
Soul, take time to recharge.
Take care of your soul, nurture yourself when you need it. Life is often a crazy, hectic race, and if you don't pace yourself…no one else will. Know what I mean?
God Himself is Making Me Whole
Today, I looked straight and brave into some broken places in my life, places bent and warped by the pressure of expectations, hard words, fears, and failures. I have counted the cost and uncovered the thin places made brittle with pretending. How well I know this soul need for God Himself. This caring One who makes everything, including me and my broken pieces, holy and whole.