5 Powerful Choices to Free Your Heart from Fear
Discover 5 choices you can make to free your heart from fear. When life is uncertain, we need to hold fast to the certainty of God. We need to practice powerful choices to overcome worry and insecurity. Purposeful choices to trust God during this pandemic make a mighty impact.
5 Simple Ways to Overcome Fear with God’s Power During COVID-19
Overcome fear with the power of God with these 5 ways to respond to the coronavirus. The Apostle Paul discovered the very weakness that plagued was actually an opportunity to discover God's power in a personal way. A real way that changed lives. We have this same opportunity today.
When You Need to Slow Down to Receive God’s Best
We need to slow down to receive God's best. Deep work of the soul cannot be accomplished while we rush through life trying to do all the things that the "more is better" lie compels.
Unexpected Blessings of Discouragement
Discovering God's best when things don't turn out like you plan reveals unexpected blessings even in discouragement. My plan was doing; God's plan was about being. . .
Hope to Light the Dark this Christmas
The lights of Christmas spark hope to light the dark. The words of John 1:4 radiate the good news of Christ.
Overcoming the Struggles of Life
I'm excited to share a guest post from my friend Misty Phillip! I know you'll be able to relate as she shares a story about overcoming a recent struggle. At the end of this post you'll find an engaging FB Live interview with Misty where we talk...
Can Waiting for God Be a Good Thing?
Is it possible that God has unexpected benefits hidden in times of waiting? Consider 10 unexpected benefits of waiting for God. Productivity feels like progress and waiting feels like wasting time or doing nothing. Maybe that's why something...
How to Cope With Worry, Fear, and Anxiety
FB Live Interview and guest post with Dr. Michelle Bengston. As the antidote to worry, fear, and anxiety, Jesus offered His peace. But the enemy of our soul would love nothing more than to tangle us up in his web of worry, fear, and anxiety to choke all peace out of our hearts and minds.
How Do You Fight Fear?
Truth is God's fear-fighting weapon. Holding fast to God's truth empowers us to overcome fear, worry, and anxiety.