Digging Deeper

Choose Joy: Let Go of Joy Stealers

Learning to live lightly, Joy is a fruit of the Spirit, and we can choose joy over any number of other options. We can choose joy or we can choose thoughts that steal joy. {Click the blog title to continue reading, leave comments, or browse the website.}

FaithLove God

Move Your Mountain

Ever feel like your climbing a mountain that just needs to move? This week I am posting at 5 Minutes for Faith, an inspirational website written by a variety of bloggers. I'd be thrilled to see you there. Here's an excerpt:   It’s easy to...

Enjoy Life Blog PostsLove GodWorship

No Ordinary Moments: Discover Grace in the Small Things

There is so much we miss when we're too busy to look past the tasks and problems of a day. Bits of shell on a beach remind me to breathe, to quiet my soul and enjoy God. How seldom do I look for, or even notice, the small but beautiful fragments in myself or in others? Trained to work for the whole, to accomplish big and impressive, it is easy to overlook the small graces and the steps of growth. Easy to discount the ordinary moments and loose sight of the God-glory stamped in us all.

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