I am Attending the Mom’s Night Out Movie Premiere!
So excited to be attending the movie premiere of Mom's Night Out!
Yoked with Christ
A guest post shared by Christi Naler, fellow Marine wife and friend. Do you ever feel like you can’t find your way; that life is just too complicated? It’s often difficult to make the best decisions during times of stress, and sometimes our circumstances can feel really heavy.
7 More Things You Should Not Say if You Want to be Humble
If you read last week's Weekend Fun post, you've probably been trying to stop saying those 5 Things You Should Not Say if You Want to be Humble. How's it working for you? With a whole week to work on it, you're a pro, right? Well, before you get too uppity about how humble you are, consider a few more additions to the list.
How to Meditate on Scripture
How to meditate on Scripture? Christian meditation is the practice of reflecting on God's Word for the purpose deeper understanding and intimacy with God. Learn simple ways to meditate on God's Word. In the Bible, there are three definitions for meditation. Though there are slight variations to each word, the idea of meditation is to ponder, reflect on, practice, and mutter the Scripture so that it takes root in our hearts.
5 Things You Should Not Say if You Want to be Humble
Join me for a humorous look at humility. To some people, humility is kind of a bad word. A word that some of us are a little uncomfortable with. As I’ve been thinking about humility, I've realized there are some things you should not say IF you want to be humble.
Road Map into the Presence of God
Have you ever experienced that uncomfortable disconnect between what you have heard (what you know) and what you believe at that gut-level of your life? Have you ever struggled to trust God in the nitty-gritty uncertainties, even though you know that God is faithful?
Time for Winter to be Done!
Although I have enjoyed playing with my iPhone and taking pictures this snowy winter, I am ready for spring. The last few days the weather has warmed up and my daffodils are peeking their little green spikes out of the ground. I am ready to feel...
Help! My Refrigerator is Radioactive.
When it comes to things our mother's do, have you ever said, "I'll NEVER do that?" Well, let me tell you, it is just best not to say that.. Join me for a humorous look at cleaning out the fridge.
What My Eyes See This Winter
Reflections and images: Stopping time at my fingertips, it is a joy to live the art of capturing the glory in my day. It is time to hold in my hand the miracle of a day, the splendor of light and glimpse of God that is all around.