Soul Confidence: You are Enough
When confidence fritters away, seeping through our fingers like a handful of sand, we question our worth. God has something better, why do we settle for less?
Soul Reach: Inspiration to Reach for More of God
My soul keeps seeking, holding, submitting... Reaching to know more. My soul reaches for the real, the substance that fills.
Saturate me in Your Spirit, Lord.
Soul Sabbath: Discovering the Rest of God
Soul, discover the power of Sabbath rest and discover the rest of God.
Soul Doing: What are You up to?
Life at the sixth grade lunch table can be a hard place to be. To be labeled a Goody-two-shoes was a kiss of death to anyone who longed to be popular. There aren't enough hours in the day, or days in the year to accomplish all the good that needs doing. But we live in a world desperate for good, and that can be overwhelming at times. What is the balance of doing? Soul, what are you up to?
Soul Conflict: Faith or Flesh?
As those who have committed our hearts to Christ, we can still feel the conflict between our bent for self-reliance and our desire to walk free in the Spirit. Sometimes this conflict rages undetected, wearing at our souls and draining the energy right out of our hearts. Over time, we discover there is a world of difference between knowing with our minds and truly knowing in the depths of our beliefs and experience. Knowledge without going through the crucible of experience does not fully penetrate the depths of our soul knowledge.
My Soul Knows
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2dzy4qRJUU Bless the Lord, ambulance O my soul, And all that is within me, blessHis holy name. Bless the Lord, thumb O my soul, And forget none of His benefits; Who pardons all your iniquities, Who...
Soul Questions: Do You Like You?
Soul Struggle: What’s the Big Deal About the Flesh?
When God searches our souls He uncovers the things holding us back and pulling us in. He puts His finger on our soul struggles.
Soul Search: Why are You so Hard on Yourself?
We search and inspect, looking for every flaw. We measure and count, grading and comparing that which is precious before GodAs if we are the judge and the jury. Truly, we are often kinder to others than to ourselves. What if I learn to let go of the standards I have defined for myself?