All Wrapped Up with Stay-Sorta-Sane-This-Christmas Tips
What next when it comes to those ridiculous Stay-Sane-This-Christmas tips?? The wrapping of the gifts! I love wrapping Christmas presents. I can put Martha Stewart to shame with my breath-taking creations of paper and ribbon. And don't forget...
Stay-Mostly-Sane-This-Christmas Tips
This time of year, a gal needs a little help to prepare for all the holiday cheer. Incorporate my Stay-Sane-Tips to help your Christmas run smoothly. Join me today for Stay-Mostly-Sane Tips you can't afford to miss.
Social Media: Everything We Need to Know We Learned in Kindergarten
However, when it comes to the etiquette of relating to people through social media, we really did learn what we need to know in kindergarten.
Stay-Sane Tips for This Christmas
Let the mad rush and the festive excitement begin! For the near future I'm featuring humor with a twist of ridiculous on the blog-o-la. Enjoy a tongue and cheek look at the craziness of this special time of year as I share my battle plan of Stay-Sane-Tips for this Christmas.
Get Ready, Get Set…Get Christmas!
Social Media as Ministry
Social media is about meeting people, making connections, building relationships, and sharing information. Now that's not so hard is it?
For ministries and followers of Christ, social networking can be a relevant and practical part of building the kingdom of God. In fact, the Holy Spirit has been viral long before the internet, so resist the temptation to think that social media isn't a viable part of ministry.
Soul Source: Are you Relying on Yours Own Efforts? Part 2
Sweet friend, are you relying on your own efforts or the approval of others to affirm your value? Has your heart run dry from trying to meet your needs with everything and anything but Christ, our true source of life? Join me today as I share a story of how God reminded me I was relying on my own efforts.
Soul Source: Are you Relying on Your Own Efforts?
Sweet friend, are you relying on your own efforts or the approval of others to affirm your value? Has your heart run dry from trying to meet your needs with everything and anything but Christ?