The Christmas Grab Bag: A Fun Family Activity
Discover a fun Christmas tradition with the 'Grab Bag' a family Christmas activity, where family members draw surprise gifts, blending humor and joy into your holiday celebrations. Family traditions are a memorable part of Christmas. For many,...
Pondering Gratitude
Though we celebrate Thanksgiving as a holiday, filled with feasting, family, and friends, thanksgiving is for every day. In reality, thankfulness is an orientation of the heart rather than an activity or event. Thankfulness seeps out of our very...
When Love Runs on Empty
We pour time and energy into relationships, service, and work, giving to others. When we try to give what we neglect to receive, it doesn't take long to find ourselves stranded on detours of disappointment, bitterness, or resentment.
Last Words on Love Are Not to Be Forgotten
Because love is hard and love is necessary. Like oxygen, we can't live without it.
Because love is where life is lived, salvation worked out, and victory won.
Because loving God and loving one another is the one foundation we cannot do without.
Knowing + Doing = Blessing
Knowing is not enough by itself. You can't know yourself into heaven, and you can't know yourself into caring for others. Knowing is nearly a dead thing, having no power to produce life or motivate love. It is the doing that changes everything. Discover practical help in applying God's truth to your life.
Five Powerful Truths About Discipleship to Embrace Today
Don't reduce discipleship to a dry concept stuffed tight with information that withers unused on the back shelves of our lives.
There is life to be lived well in the reality of being a disciple. God wants to teach and train us how to live and love with joy and authenticity.
Trusting God: A Guest Post
. In God We Trust "In God We Trust." It says it right on the dollar bill. But what about those times in our lives when we desperately need answers and can't find them? Or when we are scared to do what we think God is calling us to do? When all...
Are You Using Your Spiritual Gifts?
Yes, you! As a believer in Christ, God has given you a spiritual gift. When it comes to calling and gifts we are often far more concerned with what we think we can’t do, rather than with what God can do.