by Ginger Harrington | Oct 20, 2014 | Enjoy Life Blog Posts
Our souls are made up of body, mind, and emotions. Right in the middle of it all is our spirit. So far in our Soul Strength series, we’ve covered a lot of territory. Today I am thrilled to share one of my very special bloggy friends as we focus on the physical...
by Ginger Harrington | Oct 17, 2014 | Enjoy Life Blog Posts
Day 18: A little God glory for your soul this weekend. Enjoy beauty in the simple, ampoule daily slices of life. Ordinary moments lived well become extraordinary.
by Ginger Harrington | Oct 13, 2014 | Enjoy Life Blog Posts, Faith, Love God
Soul Reach My soul keeps seeking, holding, submitting… Reaching to know more. My soul reaches for the real, the substance that fills. Saturate me in Your Spirit, Lord. At first I am afraid to let go, Holding on to bits and pieces, afraid to give up my...
by Ginger Harrington | Oct 2, 2014 | Enjoy Life Blog Posts, Love God, Quiet Time
Be good to your soul. One sweet part of taking care of ourselves is knowing when we need to slow down and enjoy the moments that feed our souls. For each one of us, this is going to look different. Soul, do you need a moment to rest? For active folks, recharging the...
by Ginger Harrington | Sep 26, 2014 | Listening to God, On Writing, Worship
Teach me. Converse with me. May we share Your word together, breaking bread at the table. Write Your truth on the soft lining of my heart and the marrow of my bones, the joints where flesh and spirit meet. This is my heart and I offer it on this page. Why? Many...
by Ginger Harrington | Sep 22, 2014 | On Writing
Blogging is ultimately about sharing good content and developing relationships. Invite your reader into a great conversation, with the feel of having coffee with a friend. There are tips and tools of the trade that can make writing effective. Recently I’ve had...