10 Perspective Shifts to Free Your Heart from Fear of Failure
Meditation on God's Word and prayerful journaling are a powerful combination. They are spiritual disciplines that open space for us to meet with God. Rather than a formula to follow or a skill to practice, learning to listen to God comes as we bring our concerns and questions to Him. In today's post, I share from a journal entry I've come back to again and again. Be encouraged with valuable perspective shifts that can strengthen you to trust God more fully and overcome fear of failure.
10 Biblical Ways to Show Love
These 10 biblical ways to show love help us build good relationships and share the love of God. When we love others, we demonstrate what the love of God looks like. Bible verses on love teach us many practical ways to love one another well. This post features an excerpt on loving one another from my award-winning book, Holy in the Moment.
How to Stay Focused in Prayer: Prayer Tips
Does Your Soul Talk Strengthen Your Faith?
At times, we all face honest questions that come from the gritty places where experience rubs like sandpaper against the grain of truth and faith. In Psalm 103: 1-4, David demonstrates the role our self talk can play in strengthening our faith. Let your soul talk encourage you to hold fast to what is true about God despite the challenges you face. Remembering the benefits and goodness of God is a powerful part of worship that blesses the Lord and strengthens our faith.
What to Do When Bad News Becomes a Call to Intercession
No matter the moment, what it looks like, what it feels like, what it brings—this is your moment to trust in God. When bad news impacts those you love, prayer becomes a vital source of strength. Trials have a way of creating a call to intercede, as we turn to God on behalf of others. Holding onto faith in the midst of the struggles of family and friends, prayer becomes a powerful part of God's work in their lives. It also opens the door to growing in prayer as the Holy Spirit helps us to pray as the situation needs. Trials teach us to pray from the deep, vulnerable places of our heart as bring our needs to God.
Benefits of Grow Christian Blog Course
Ladyboss Blogger's Grow Christian Blog Course is impressively comprehensive, packed with information, instructions, ideas, recommendations, and templates on every aspect of blogging. Wowza, I wish I had known this information the first few years of blogging! I'm excited to up-level my blog with what I've learned. I don't write a lot of reviews, but I love to share great resources. Course covers foundations, mistakes to avoid, content creation, set up, email best practices, pinterest tips, monetization, and more.
10 Bible Verses for a Healthy Soul
What does it mean to have a prospering soul? If your physical health was in the same condition that your spiritual health is, how healthy would you be? Vibrant health includes more than the physical condition of our bodies. Are you neglecting the health of your soul in your pursuit of your best life? 3 John 2 shows that as we grow in faith, spiritual blessings overflow into other areas of life.
25 Good Habits for the Art of Friendship
Friendship is an art built on good habits of relationships. Learn to be the friend you long to have with 25 ideas for strong relationships. We don't come into this world know how to be a good friend. If we look for the perfect friend, we won't find one. And the truth is we will never be the perfect friend either. Friendship isn't about perfection; it is about connection. . . and love, and joy, and giving, and being real, and letting others be themselves.