Why Positive Thinking is Good for a Healthy Body, Soul, and Spirit
Understand why positive thinking is important and how to overcome unhealthy thought patterns. Learn how to think positively with practical tips. Identifying negative thinking patterns helps us reframe them with positive thoughts. Research proves that positive thoughts are good for your health. Discover ideas and resources to build positive thinking habits for greater wellness in your body, soul, and spirit.
Deepen Your Faith with Top Five Posts of 2022 from Ginger Harrington
Deepen your faith with this collection of the five most popular posts of 2022 from Ginger Harrington, award-winning author of Holy in the Moment. Join thousands of readers to inspire your faith for a deeper relationship with God, others, and yourself. Share this content with someone you know who desires practical resources to cultivate a healthy and holy life with God. Restore your soul, focus as you pray the armor of God, deepen your relationship with Jesus, and make decisions with peace in the most popular articles this year on A Deeper Life Starts Now!
Christmas Devotion: Why Jesus Is the Light of Hope for Your Life
Let the wonder of Jesus open your eyes to hope this Christmas. From cradle to cross, the Lord Jesus is a divine gift for us all. Relish the power of God lighting your life, overcoming the dark of every doubt and shining hope into every difficulty. Enjoy a free 7-day devotional on hope from Ginger.
The Best of Christmas from Ginger Harrington
A curated collection of Christmas content from award-winning author and blogger, Ginger Harrington. Take the Christmas Worship Challenge, read inspiring devotions, download free gifts, gather ideas for family fun, make a special gift, and chuckle with Ginger's Christmas humor. Read the story of Ginger's Christmas miracle in a free chapter from her book, Holy in the Moment. Enjoy the best of Christmas that you'll want to come back to year after year!
My Best Thanksgiving Leftover Recipe: Mom’s Turkey Hash
Try our family favorite way to use leftover turkey this Thanksgiving. My mom's turkey hash is always a winner in our household for several generations.
15 Habits of Rest that will Improve Your Life
Despite careful time management, productivity tools, and more multitasking, many of us have little or no margin. The stress of living in overdrive is so common that we often fail to recognize how tired we are at the soul level. Do you need to establish rhythms of life that can restore your soul and sustain your energy? Read on for a practical list of ideas to create habits of rest in your life.
Why You Should Trust Jesus for the Rest You Need
No one is immune to strain of long-term stress. The spiritual disciplines of rest and solitude are a vital for renewing our strength and perspective. We love the idea of Jesus restoring our soul but often struggle to figure out how to get there. Psalm 23 reminds us that we can trust Jesus to help us rest in a way that restores our soul.
How Rest and Solitude Restore Your Soul After Stress or Loss
Rest and solitude are vital to creating time and space for Jesus to restore our souls. Unlike physical rest, soul rest is a gift from God. Beyond the busyness of life, we will navigate times of extended stress, grieve deep losses, or face significant trials. When we are depleted, we need to make time to attend to our mental, emotional, and spiritual needs in the care and keeping of Christ. The benefits of intentional rest and solitude bring healing and refreshment, enabling us to move forward with fresh energy and greater wisdom.
Gratitude Matters: 10 Truths and Tips for a Grateful Life
Gratitude matters. Experience the difference gratitude makes with 10 truths and tips for a grateful life. Do you believe gratitude is a worthy goal? One that can make a true difference in your life? Though we celebrate Thanksgiving as a holiday, filled with feasting, family, and friends, giving thanks is an everyday grace for bringing the sacred into any moment. On the spiritual side, gratefulness is more than an attitude. It’s can also become holy habit that draws us closer to God, strengthens faith, and brings freedom from worry.