5 tips to reset healthy habits or cultivate new routines for your body, soul, and spirit. Introducing a fresh new website update to help you cultivate a deeper life for your best spiritual, mental, and physical health. I write about biblical wisdom and practical steps to deepen your faith, increase your hope, and build healthy habits for living well.

*Don’t miss the book bundle giveaway at the end of this post celebrating our  website update!!

Hands holding potted plant illustrate post on tips to reset healthy habits



Introducing My New Website and Brand Update


Say hello to a fresh new look and updated brand! I’m thrilled to offer a newly designed website to help you go deeper with spiritual practices and healthy habits that bring faith and health together for a life you love.


Be sure to look around at all the new pages on this website and the many practical resources to help you enjoy a deeper relationship with God and live a healthy life.


Here’s a huge shout out to Susan Stillwell of Fistbump Media for helping me bring my vision into reality! I’d love to know how you like the the update, so please leave a comment!


Do you feel stuck in patterns, thoughts, and emotions that drain life from your soul and possibly impact your health? Are you longing to thrive with vibrant hope, health, and wholeness in Christ? 


Friend, I’ve been there. I’ve had my emotional battles with anxiety, perfectionism, and insecurity, as well as health challenges with Grave’s Disease and thyroid issues.


I wrote what I learned in this journey in my book, Holy in the Moment. (Read a free chapter here.) We all have our struggles, but what makes the difference is growing deeper in faith and finding healthy ways of moving forward.


Married for 34 years to my Marine husband, I am a military wife and mom to three young adults. Professionally, I am a fitness instructor, author, blogger, speaker, and trained discipleship mentor.


Like you, my days are full, and it’s challenging to build and maintain life-giving routines and habits. Finding a good rhythm of spiritual disciplines and healthy practices is vital to feeling our best inside and out.



A Deeper Life of Hope AND Health this Year


Hope and healthly living begin with a spiritual foundation that impacts our mental, emotional, and physical wellness. Feeling good begins on the inside—our relationship with God as well as our thoughts and emotions.


As a fitness instructor, I help clients increase and maintain physical strength, endurance, balance, and mobility. I’ve been blogging since 2009, helping women deepen faith with spiritual growth. I worked in two separate lanes–faith writing/speaking ministry and the fitness industry.


A few years ago, I lost my sister to a devastating battle with ALS (also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease). It was a heartbreaking, but powerful reminder that each healthy day is a gift.

Caring for my baby sis as she lost all ability to move was a sobering reminder of how important it is to attend to our health. We know this, but maintaining motivation and consistency in the ups and downs of life is challenging, isn’t it?


How many times have we sacrificed or overlooked the importance of taking care of ourselves while working hard and caring for others? As women–moms, daughters, wives, professionals, and friends– we wear many hats. We face many demands on our time and energy.  Even when we have strong healthy habits, life happens. It’s  easy to get off track.


Too often, we separate nurturing our soul and spirit from our physical health. The reality is that it all works together! God created us to live fully in all aspects of our being. He made us to thrive-holy and whole.


Do You Need to Reset Healthy Habits in Your Routine?


Reset is a word that resonates with me right now. The struggle is real.


Last November, I was in a funk–feeling off emotionally and struggling to stay motivated with healthy habits. The second anniversary of my sister’s passing hit me harder than I anticipated.


Then came the busy season of December. For the first time, all of our newly-married children planned to spend the holidays with their in-laws. Empty-nest holidays brought an emotional adjustment that comes with this new season of life.


My routines and my internal and external spaces felt haphazard and a little overwhelming. To get more done on big work projects, I neglected daily habits that help me stay healthy, productive, and manage stress. Some of these habits included staying hydrated and skipping exercise because my schedule was busy.


Not sleeping well some nights made it too easy to hit the snooze button, throwing my morning into rush mode. The spiritual practices that nurture faith and help me stay connected with God were sporadic and dry.


My workspace became the catch-all extra storage and piles of paper took on a live of their own. (This is a continuing challenge for me).


Every time I saw the mess on my desk and the piles of STUFF that had built up in my office, frustration made my shoulders tense with a feeling of claustrophobia. “I can’t work in here, but I don’t have time to clean up now,” I’d grumble to myself, grabbing my laptop to work somewhere less chaotic and cluttered.


The level of clutter in my workspaces and the inconsistency of healthy habits made me grumpy, as stress buzzed in my head. Honestly, it took a little time to notice what was happening. My routines, thoughts, and emotions were all telling me I needed to stop and reset my healthy habits for my body, soul, and spirit.

Can you relate to this downward spiral of thoughts, feelings, stress, and off-track routines?


I Needed to Reset My Healthy Habits.


Determined not to start this year overwhelmed and off-kilter, I knew I needed to do a reset of healthy habits physically, mentally, spiritually, and functionally.

Here’s what I’m doing:


  • Refocusing on consistent time with God, getting up 20 minutes earlier.
  • Prioritizing basic healthy habits of rest, hydration, nutrition, and exercise.
  • Evaluating my calendar and simplifying my to-do list.
  • Tackling the nightmare in my office, I removed items that didn’t belong, decluttering surfaces, and organizing the buildup of papers.
  • Spiritually, I’m in the process of decluttering my soul with the Lord in much the same way. (That’s a post for another day, friend).


Here’s what I’m not doing:


  • Setting unrealistic expectations and goals.
  • Lecturing or getting down on myself for needing a reset.
  • Being impatient with slow, but steady progress.
  • Cramming too many tasks into a single day.


My soul has more room to breathe. I literally feel lighter, happier, and more energetic! Something wonderful happens when we embrace the small building blocks of faith and health. I call this a reset-mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. It feels great to refocus on the daily actions that help me feel my best and be my best, so I can give my best.


The Body, Soul & Spirit Connection for Healthy Habits


Body, soul, and spirit–it really is all connected, my friend. 


My end of 2023 is a vivid picture of how important daily practices are for living well. A lack of consistency in one area of life spiraled to impact thoughts, emotions, and motivation in other areas. We’ve all experienced this challenge at times. Maybe you’re there right now, feeling frazzled and overwhelmed. I get you, believe me!


The beautiful blessing of good habits and workable routines is they help us consistently do the things that empower us to feel our best and be our best.


Busyness, distraction, or overwhelm derail our good intentions to maintain healthy living physically, mentally, and spiritually. Patterns, habits, routines, and goals need a periodic reset, creating fresh energy and commitment to faithful living.


5 Tips for Cultivating Hope and Health this Year


Today is your time to refresh and reset goals, habits, and routines that help you to thrive. As you make plans, get organized, and pursue goals for this year, here are a few helpful choices to practice:


  1. Rely on Christ to help you invest in your spiritual, mental, and physical health.

The simple habit of prayer makes a  difference on our good days as well as the hard days. Share your desires, goals, plans, needs, and challenges with the Lord, asking for the help of the Holy Spirit. Pray about the routines and patterns that need attention, asking for motivation, wisdom, and clarity for the steps you need to take today.


  1. Embrace progress over perfection in your daily habits and goals.

Growth happens slowly and we often don’t notice the small steps of progress. Focus on one or two habits at a time, seeking daily actions that will keep you moving forward. Allow yourself time to grow and change. Be patient with yourself in the process.


  1. Celebrate your wins.

It’s easy to discount the many small victories on the way to reaching larger goals. We tend to overlook the importance of daily faithfulness and consistent growth over time. Make time to acknowledge your hard work, good choices, intentional steps along the way. It’s important to recognize what’s not working, but don’t neglect to celebrate growth, progress, and change.


  1. Keep making healthy choices.

Cultivating a deeper life of hope and health doesn’t happen by accident. Making healthy choices occasionally, won’t bring the growth and well-being we desire. Consistency over time is worth the work. Whether you want to grow in spiritual disciplines, improve your eating habits, get in better shape, or overcome negative thought patterns, focus on the next good choice. When you slip up, don’t dwell on your setback. Embrace the next daily practice that will help you keep moving forward.


  1. Trust God with the results.

Commit your goals, work, and daily choices to God. Give your best effort, relying on Christ to work in and through you. Trust God to lead, guide, and provide each step of the way. As you trust God with the results, you can let go of the stress of trying to control outcomes.


Which one of these healthy habits could help you most today? 

Hands holding a plant are background for The Wellness Challenge to work on healthy habits.




Reset Your Healthy Habits with the Wellness Challenge 


If you’d like extra help and motivation to cultivate or reset healthy habits in your life, join me for The Wellness Challenge. Jump-start health and wellness for your best year ever. Seven days to focus on foundational practices to nurture your healthy body, soul & spirit. Set do-able goals to take care of all of you as we start a healthy year together!


We’ll meet in your inbox with a boost of motivation, quick tips, and a daily challenge. Invite a friend or group to join you!  If you want to participate, sign up below. There are no set dates to this challenge, so you can start whenever works for you, and you can repeat it as many times as you find helpful:).


Start well. Stay well. Live well.

Close up of succulent plant is backdrop for the Wellness Challenge to focus on healthy habits.

Enter to Win the Healthy Habit Book Bundle

Join me in celebrating the website update and the gift of healthy habits for spirit, soul, & body. Due to issues with Rafflecopter not working properly, I’ve extended the deadline to Feb. 29. Leave a comment on this post to let me know you’d like to enter and get my newsletter. I’m sharing a few of my favorite books + a few other goodies I know you’ll enjoy!

Plus a water bottle and Holy in the Moment Quote Plaque to remind you to choose faith in every moment. Enter and enjoy!

*The links above include affiliate links at no cost to you.

Four books featured in giveaway for healthy habit book bundle.

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Cultivate a deeper life with God and healthy habits with these popular posts. Click on the image to read more.

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