How to Love God with Your Life
Questions come dressed in all kinds of reasons. Questions can muse and ponder, struggle and scrape, or probe and pierce. There are questions that hurt, desperate for a healing touch. Others yearn for a word of wisdom to strengthen a floundering...
Don’t Give Up: Pray with Perseverance
Some things don't come easy. And some prayers aren't answered quickly. She looks out the window as the rain comes down in sheets. Is God listening? she wonders as she struggles to believe God will answer. If she had a dollar for each prayer she has prayed for this difficult situation, she'd be a wealthy woman by now.
How Not to Clean Out a Closet
[tweetthis]Our house is clean enough to be healthy, and dirty enough to be happy.~Author Unknown[/tweetthis] You can get by with ignoring some household tasks for a time. Dishes? Not so much, but you can ignore the mess in the closet for years....
Follow God’s Lead for Balance and Harmony this Summer
Happy summer, friends! Life in this corner of the world has been a little of crazy and a lot of wonderful lately. We've just returned from our annual beach trip. Toes in the sand and sun warm on skin--ah yes, this is a great way to enjoy the...
Abscond with Joy: Following Jesus into Refreshment
Today I'm delighted to share the words of Lori Stanley Roeleveld! Imagine receiving a wonderful gift and leaving it unopened on a shelf day after day after day. Christians do that. Most of us don’t even realize we’ve done it because the world,...
I Give You Permission to Spend Time With Friends
Too often, I tell myself, I will plan time with a friend when I get my work done. Somehow, I feel guilty or lazy if I take time to hang out with a friend. How crazy is that?
Well, it's time for the guilt to stop.
Do You Have the Gift of Girlfriend?
Every girl knows there is no age limit on the value of a good friend. Do you have the gift of girlfriend? One thing is true: the best way to have a good friend is to be one.
Tis the Season for Military Moves
Moving is one of the top five stressors in life: death, divorce, moving, major illness, and job loss. For military folks, moving is a fact of life. Any woman associated with the military is all too familiar with this catchy little phrase, "Home...
Three Kinds of Friends You Don’t Want to Do Without
Friendship is not a one-size-fits-all kind of thing. Each relationship is a one of a kind--there are no two exactly alike. Friendship comes in all shapes and sizes, each one as unique as the people who build the relationship. You may have one...