Whether you have a house full of small children or a van full of teenagers, your life is busy. It’s easy for busy moms to get stressed out, frazzled, or even overwhelmed by all the tasks, needs, and challenges of parenting. Be encouraged with a humorous post to remind you to take time to enjoy the journey. Do you need to put yourself in time-out for a few moments for a smile break for your soul?

Frazzled mom, don’t forget to enjoy the journey.

In today’s culture where faster is better and frantic is the new normal, it’s easy to find yourself over-committed and under-staffed. We all know that feeling of trying to do too much.

Woman with Balloon against a white wall

Sometimes we don’t have a choice when over-commitment comes knocking on the door.

Certain things must be done to maintain life and sanity. Not doing the necessary tasks has a cost…sooner or later. For instance, don’t take out the trash…it won’t be too long before the smell becomes unpleasant. Decide that laundry isn’t a priority and it won’t take long before no one in the house has clean socks and underwear. See how that goes…


  • But then there are the goals  we choose to pursue.
  • And the things we feel obligated to do.
  • And the things that someone else thinks we should do.
  • And the jobs others didn’t do…ahem, kids…
  • See how quickly the busy factor can  spool up and spin out of control?

[tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#busymom #frazzled”]The frazzled mom is the distracted mom.[/tweetthis]

I’m not pointing any fingers, just telling you what happens to me. Actually my hands are too full to be able to point my finger at anyone. If I let go of this load I’m going to drop it.

When I get frazzled,  I make goofy mistakes like try to open the front door with the unlock clicker for my car.

Things that Don't Work

I put Lemon-Pepper Seasoning in my purse instead of the cabinet because…I am trying to do six things at once!

I go to doctor’s appointments on the wrong day.

Time sneaks up on me and I am late to pick up my daughter from practice.

When you are overwhelmed, do you find yourself doing things like this?

[tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#grumpymom #busymom”]Frazzled moms become grumpy moms.[/tweetthis]

I have felt hassled with frustration of a To-Do list longer than a roll of toilet paper, and to be honest, it can make me a little crabby. Or a whole barrel full of crabby.

The kids want me to drop what I am doing to take them someplace..and I snip an answer at them. I growl my inner-GRRRrrrr…when the phone rings, when the tenth interruption comes in the same hour, when the family has the audacity to comment that the house is a wreck. Imagine that.

Take the frizzle out of your frazzle and adjust your mom-i-tude by remembering to enjoy the blessings of parenthood. Share on X

Time out for frazzled moms.

Take a time out for your soul. Remind yourself to laugh and cherish the smile factor of life with children. One of my top tips for overwhelmed moms is don’t lose your joy.

Teens or toddlers, they fill our heart with joy. Take time to laugh with your kids. Enjoy the silly, cute things they do. Tap into the humor and lightheartedness of being a kid.

Wacky Day Forever

Wacky Day Forever

When crabby comes to visit, remember the many little moments that make you smile. Taking time to enjoy those sweet moments is important. It settles our frantic and reminds us to attend to our important people and priorities rather than be driven by the blare of busyness.

The cute things kids do

The cute things kids do

Even when they become teenagers and those little cute things grow up, they make me laugh. Sorry to break it to you, but my teens no longer bedtime read stories to the dogs. Now they do funny things like sabotage family picture day:

Family Pictures Gone Awry

I needed that laugh… how about you?

Taking time to enjoy the precious things that kids do breaks through the tension and reminds us to laugh. Stop to give a hug…just because. Breathe deep and reach for joy.

Remembering joy turns to our focus to gratitude in parenting.

Joy and gratitude soothe like a cool balm, calming stress. Perspective shifts and Mom-i-tude brightens. Let go of the grit of frustration scraping across your last nerve.

… Mother rejoice; may she who gave you birth be joyful!–Proverbs 23:25

A joyful heart is good medicine, But a broken spirit dries up the bones.--Proverbs 17:22

Busyness, schmiziness…don’t ever get to frazzled to enjoy the journey!

How do you adjust your Mom-i-tude?

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