15 Power Truths About God to Ignite Your Faith
Seeking guidance? Facing a strong enemy? Struggling in a difficult situation? Discover the practice of declaring truths about God. Powerful truths, practical tips, and printable goodies--oh yes!
4 Worshipful Ways to Remember the Resurrection Every Day
Discover 4 easy ways to remember Jesus' resurrection throughout the year. Deepen faith this Easter with inspiration for Christian women to celebrate the joy of Easter every day. Make Easter more meaningful with biblical Easter devotions from Ginger Harrington.
Six Powerful Lessons on Love and Humility from the Last Supper
As we prepare for Easter, reflect on these lessons on love and humility from the Last Supper. Acts of service require that we get up from the table. Service begins with a willingness to stop what we may be doing in order to serve others. Are we willing?
How to Care for Your Soul: Best Tips from 13 Christian Bloggers
Join Ginger Harrington, author of Holy in the Moment, for a roundup of Christian bloggers sharing their best tips on caring for your soul.
5 Godly Ways to Care for Your Soul
Since God loves you so very much, isn't it time to for you to be okay with loving you? Discover 5 godly ways to care for your soul. Free ebook available: Soul Care That Makes the Difference: 21 Godly Ways to take care of you.
22 Ways to Care for Your Soul
Believe that you matter. You have value and worth. Don't swallow the lies and rejection of others that can make you feel worthless. These words aren't from God and they are not true (1 Corinthians 6:20, 2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 Thessalonians 1:4)...
To the One Who’s Forgotten She Matters: 10 Ways to Love Yourself
To the one who's forgotten she matters. A familiar thought invades: "It doesn't matter how much you do. It will never be enough." The leap from feeling a disappointment is as quick as the inhale of breath: "You don't matter. Your feelings don't count." How can loving ourselves squelch the lies that tell us we don't matter?
It’s Okay to Love Yourself
When you're clinging to the edge of sanity by a fingernail, it's okay to love yourself. Take care of yourself. Give yourself a break. Stop being so hard on yourself. God's word tells us to love our neighbor as ourselves. Isn't it time to stop leaving yourself out of the equation?
When Jesus Speaks: It Only Takes a Word to Change Your Life
What can happen when Jesus speaks, takes the initiative to address your need? In Mark 3:1-6 is the biblical account of the compassion of Jesus as He heals a man with a withered hand. Consider what we learn about Christ and his love that meets this man's physical and spiritual need. Do you need a word from Christ today?