Ready to Go Grateful? Take the #GoGratefulChallenge!
Did you know gratitude can change your perspective, improve your health, and enhance your self-esteem?Together let's have fun cultivating gratitude this month. Join me for the #GoGratitudeChallenge. It takes at least 21 days to build a habit, so let's make this month count. Don't miss the contest at the end of the post.
Seek First: One Simple Way to Settle Your Soul
Hello Friends! You know those days when worry steals your peace of mind, making it hard to hang on to hope? Isn't it time to stop worrying about just surviving? Let go of the scarcity mindset of scrounging up just enough to scrape by. How much...
How to Silence the “Not Enough” Voice in Your Head
The job is too hard, the problem too complex, the bill too large... Maybe you wonder if you have enough time or talent to complete your work and make an impact. Wouldn't it be great to silence the "not enough" voices in your head?
Lifting Your Heart: Author Q & A with Janell Rardon
Sweet are the friendships we develop on life's journey. One of the treasures I love about the writing journey is meeting other Jesus-hearted, wisdom-seeking, and heart-lifting women who share God's call to write. Several years ago a few friends...
A Father’s Legacy and Father’s Day Sermon
Fathers leave a powerful legacy. Discover simple truths for building a foundation of faith in your children. Pray 15 powerful prayers for fathers and get a free printable list of 50 prayers to support and encourage the dad in your life.
10 Holy Habits to Overcome Selfishness
We dislike selfishness in others but sometimes we fail to see it in ourselves. It can be so easy to have blinders on when it comes to recognizing our issues with selfishness. Enjoy this infographic for 10 Simple Ways to Overcome Selfishness from the #HolyintheMoment Blog Tour!
Have You Tried Praying in the Moment?
Have you ever promised to pray for a friend and then forgotten to pray? In the busyness of life, it's easy to have a good intention and then feel guilty if we don't follow through. Discover simple ways to pray in the moment.
Are you a Perfectionist in Disguise?
Are you a perfectionist? Until recently, I’d have answered. “Anything but. I’m always struggling just to get it together. I am NOT a perfectionist!” Fear of failure and pressure to perform are hints that, like me, you might be a perfectionist in disguise.
Celebrating the Release of Holy in the Moment!
We're celebrating the release of my debut book, Holy in the Moment! Catch up on the radio interviews, launch party, guest posts, book reviews, and contests! Enter to win a copy of the book and a $10 Starbucks Gift Card. Join in the photo contest by posting a fun picture of you with your book on FB and Instagram.