There are moments when we need reminders to relax and trust God with worries for our children. At least I do. When it’s time to let go of our children–this is one of those moments.

Kids growing up, mom encouragement, letting go, teens, trusting God

These are the days we need to settle our hearts and sink into the truth of God’s presence and sovereign care. Days we need to be still and know through the experience of our souls that He is God.

The morning my daughter was set to leave for Australia, I woke with a heavy heart. That one-way ticket, the reality of saying goodbye pressed hard against the joyful knowledge that she is following God’s lead.

I wanted to whine, “Why a country so far away? Wasn’t there someplace closer You could send her?”

I wanted to complain, “Two years seems like forever.”

I wanted to worry, but I remembered how God had recently spoken to my fears for her safety.

Mostly, I felt tender and small, sad about saying goodbye.

God spoke to my heart through His word and the impressions that work themselves onto the page of my journal.

Be still and be in this moment. Know that I am your God–your helper and strength. I am your source and your blessing.

Open your hands–to let go as well as to receive. 

Parenting, Kid's leaving home


In response I wrote these words.

I open my heart to what God is doing in my life and in my family. I ask for strength to release my child into His hands with joy rather than sadness.

Open, I will keep trusting and resting. This is the position to receive confidence for the future.

I will open my hands to hold onto God rather than cling to what I cannot keep…my children and the way things were when they were younger. In a way, this is hoarding the past and today is a time for something new.

I will try not to hold onto the past in an attempt to ensure happiness and security for the future.  I cannot store yesterday’s grace and blessing to bank for tomorrow.

[tweetthis]Faith is an open hand, trusting that God is sufficient for each day and every need.[/tweetthis]

I open my mind to receive grace for a new season. Grace to let my children go in faith.


In an unexpected turnaround, my girl puts me on the plane. Due to a delay with her visa, she does not leave when we planned. My husband and I have a flight to Hawaii. Her visa has come through and she will leave tomorrow. This feels strange to me–she takes us to the airport.

Cars and taxi’s crowd the departure lane in the chill of the early morning. Rushed, we say our goodbyes and my heart wants to cling, thinking it is likely to be a year before I hug her again.  There is a part of me that cannot even take that in and I force myself to take a breath.

Chest tight and watery eyes leaking love, I whisper in her ear, face pressed against her hair, “So proud of you, I love you so much.” A car horn honks. Words cannot express what is inside-the wonder, excitement, joy, fear, love, and loss all tied up together in a tangle of emotions and faith. I hug her tight and release.

It is the letting go that is hard.

It is the distance that weighs heavy. And yet it is the possibilities and the faithfulness of God that empower me to loosen my grip. I have this tangible sense of releasing her into God’s great care as she steps out into the wide adventure of calling and faith. Truly, there is no better place to be.

When it's time to let go of our children,

She is ready. Ready to fly. Ready to go.

And so am I.

Parenting involves a series of letting go moments, milestones of growth and maturity. How has the “letting go” process worked out in your life?

Read more about trusting God in every moment, including raising our children in Ginger’s award-winning book.


Make the most of every moment by learning practical ways to trust God in every circumstance. Overcome anxiety, perfectionism, insecurity, and other challenges by simple choices to rely on the live of Christ in the moment.

Other posts about letting our children go:

Powerful Truth Gives Direction to Our Children

Powerful Prayers for God’s Direction for our Children

God’s Powerful Dreams for Our Children Give Direction

Praying Through the Milestones in Our Kid’s Lives

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