The Bible tells us we should love one another.
More people should read the Bible. Right?
Love is a something we all want more of in our lives, but sometimes we don’t give our best selves to loving others. Let’s face it, relationships can have some messy moments. It isn’t always easy to love others well.
4 Verses to Ignite Love in Your Heart
“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”–John 13:34-35 NASB
“Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor; not lagging behind in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord…”–Romans 10:9-11 NASB
“Walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”–Ephesians 4:1-3 NASB
“May the Lord cause you to increase and abound in love for one another, and for all people, just as we also do for you…”–1 Thessalonians 3:12 NASB
Holiness never discounts the importance of loving God whole-heartedly and loving others unselfishly. God’s right order for living is to love God first, then others and self. When we do this, we love from holiness instead of the self-focus of the flesh. Holy harmony with God, others, and self is God’s design for life and relationships.

This week on the Holy in the Moment Book Club we are discussing the challenge and blessing of loving others with a holy heart. Take time to reflect on the questions from chapters 13-14 to ignite your capacity to love others freely as you rely on Christ as your source of life and love.
If you missed one of the previous weeks, you can catch up here:
Chapter 13: Moment to Love One Another
- As you realize that God cares about your relationships, what ways can you invite God into your interactions with others?
- What ways can you see sin distorting God’s design for good relationships in your family, friendships, or work relationships? What choice can you make in order to show love in a challenging relationship? How do you feel about practicing this holy choice?

- Fear and shame creates barriers in relationships. What ways can you identify fear or shame impacting one of your relationships?
- Consider a time when someone encouraged you in a way that helped you move forward. How have you seen God working through your choices to love and encourage others?
- We often face the temptation to blame others or protect ourselves by hiding our vulnerabilities. What have you learned in this chapter that can help respond to challenges with faith rather than fear?
- How does the temptation to love others in order to get something surface in your life? What holy choice can change how you respond to the temptation be selfish in your relationships?
- What helps you give your best to others?

Chapter 14: Moments to Bless Your Children
- What ways does “Super-Mom Syndrome” show up in your parenting? How is this impacting you internally?
- What pressures are you putting on yourself to be perfect in your parenting? How can choosing to trust God in your parenting help you move from Super-Mom to Saint-Mom?
- How is fear infiltrating your parenting? What is the Holy Spirit revealing to you about your parenting fears? What truths is God showing you in this area of your life?

- Describe the difference between parenting from your flesh and parenting from the Spirit makes in your family? What ways do you tend to parents from a strategy or coping mechanism of your flesh? What is one holy choice you can practice in this specific struggle?
- How do you see a lie you have believed or a misperception from your past impacting your parenting? What truth do you need to embrace today?
- What simple ways can you remind yourself to rely on Christ more fully in your parenting? What change do you hope to see in yourself as you open your heart for God to help you make a new holy habit in your parenting?
Friend, I’d love to hear what impacted you from the thoughts in this post. What challenges you in loving others well?
Next Week is Break Week for the Book Club
This next week is a great time to catch up on your reading if you’ve gotten behind in the Book Club! I’ll be traveling to Missouri and Kansas for some book events. I’ll also have the joy of helping with staff training for Planting Roots: Strength to Thrive in Military Life, a non-profit ministry where I oversee publishing. We’ve recently released our first two books, Beyond Brave: Faith to Stand in Military Life (Bible study) and Free to Be Brave: Moments with God for Military Life. I’m looking forward to a great trip!
Winner of the Rafflecopter
Congratulations to Judy Holmes who is the winner of last week’s Rafflecopter celebrating my first Book Birthday. Woohoo! Holy in the Moment released a year ago!
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