Soul Sabbath There is a gap the size of eternity can that exist between knowing what is true and believing what is true. The distance between hearing and entering is the doorway of faith. Just as God rested from His works on the seventh day, He invites us to...
Trust in the Lord and do good. Psalm 37:3a Life at the sixth grade lunch table can be a hard place to be. To be labeled a Goody-two-shoes was a kiss of death to anyone who longed to be popular. Maybe we still carry these negative connotations of do-gooders. But...
Loving God… and delighting in Him, medicine is the truest work of the soul. Yet how often do we chase after delight and satisfaction in countless counterfeit pursuits? John Piper states “He is the end of our search, not the means to some other...
Be good to your soul. One sweet part of taking care of ourselves is knowing when we need to slow down and enjoy the moments that feed our souls. For each one of us, this is going to look different. Soul, do you need a moment to rest? For active folks, recharging the...
When God Reaches In: Poetic Words and Images to Lift Your Soul Reach. I stand by the water in the cool of the evening. Calm like a mirror the water is smooth, collecting the sky in its reflection. Ripples Reach I toss a pebble, breaking the glass surface of the...
There are times in life when the path before us is clear. The trail is well marked and the destination is in view. With a map in our pocket, we feel sure of the next step. Security blossoms and the world feels right as our insides relax. Confidence comes easier when...
So glad you're here. I help busy women—gals like you— build healthy habits for living well with biblical wisdom and practical steps to deepen your faith, increase your hope, and thrive in your purpose.