Listening to God

Listen to Jesus: 4 Truths Every Believer Needs to Hear

During this Lenten season we have been leaning in close to listen to Jesus. I've been posting daily short devotions on social media. The goal is to open our hearts to what the Spirit has to say to us each day as we meditate on a specific verse. It is my prayer that this regular practice during Lent becomes a holy habit we continue through out the year. Faith deepens as we recognize that Jesus is speaking through His Word. As you prepare for Easter, join us in these holy moments for listening to Jesus with our whole heart.

Listening to God

Six Short Devotions to Help You Listen to Jesus

The Bible tells us that in these days, God speaks through his son (Hebrews 1:2). Listening to Jesus takes time, faith, and practice as we cultivate a listening life. As we prepare our hearts for Easter during this Lenten season, be intentional about making time to hear God's voice. Ponder a short insight to help you listen to Jesus and open holy moments throughout your day. You will find tips ways to use the printable version of the devotions and the graphics at the end of the post.

The Bible tells us that in these days, God speaks through his son (Hebrews 1:2). Listening to Jesus takes time, faith, and practice as we cultivate a listening life. As we prepare our hearts for Easter during this Lenten season, be intentional about making time to hear God's voice. Ponder a short insight to help you listen to Jesus and open holy moments throughout your day. You will find tips ways to use the printable version of the devotions and the graphics at the end of the post.
Embrace Truth

How to Stand Firm in the Armor of God Right Now

God equips us with spiritual armor to stand firm in the spiritual battles we face. Explore the meaning of the armor of God in this meditation on Ephesians 6:10-18 that shows why we need to put on the armor of God and how to do it. Print the sample prayer for putting on the full armor of God in today’s post.


10 Perspective Shifts to Free Your Heart from Fear of Failure

Meditation on God's Word and prayerful journaling are a powerful combination. They are spiritual disciplines that open space for us to meet with God. Rather than a formula to follow or a skill to practice, learning to listen to God comes as we bring our concerns and questions to Him. In today's post, I share from a journal entry I've come back to again and again. Be encouraged with valuable perspective shifts that can strengthen you to trust God more fully and overcome fear of failure.


10 Biblical Ways to Show Love

These 10 biblical ways to show love help us build good relationships and share the love of God. When we love others, we demonstrate what the love of God looks like. Bible verses on love teach us many practical ways to love one another well. This post features an excerpt on loving one another from my award-winning book, Holy in the Moment.

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