If I Had Not Moved to Okinawa, I Would Have Never…
Have you ever played the game called, "Never, have I ever...?" In this crazy game you say three things you have never done and the folks around you try to guess which one is the real deal and which ones are made up. Lately, I have been playing...
What’s in the Box?
A couple of boxes arrived in the mail a while back. The return address is labeled Jostens, and I know exactly what it is. One part of me is excited to open the box, the other part of me wants to put off opening it as if leaving it unopened...
I Love Organizing….once I am done.
You know it is time to move when your house starts to look like this... I am fixing to try and get psyched up for a serious rampage of closet cleaning and clutter removal. This may take me a while—both to work up the mental determination to do...
Organize Your Move with a Moving Notebook
Learn how and why to make your own moving notebook. Military spouse tips on getting organized for your move.
Organizing for the Move
Well, like it or not, here are some more thoughts on moving. In general, there are several schools of thought on how to handle the physical details of moving. 1. The first, and most effective-sanity-keeping method is called the We like it...
The Ornery Moving Hormone
If you are in the military, moving is a given. A fact of life. And actually, it is a really good part of military life….most of the time. (Particularly once everyone is happily settled on the other end.) Long ago, when all the other military...
Home is …a New Address Every Few Years
Any Military wife is all too familiar with the saying, "Home is where the military sends you." Like it or not. If you want to survive as a Military wife, you have to embrace this mindset. Otherwise, you spend your time being miserable rather...
Do Nothing From Selfishness…
Why do I do the things I do? If I were able to see a print out of my motivations over the last week, I am sure I would be shocked at how pervasive selfishness is in my thinking. If my eyes are glued to my own problems and plans, I will not truly see the needs and interests of others. It isn't that I don't want to--I really do care about other people. It is just that sometimes there doesn't seem to be much brain-power left after I deal with myself and my stuff. Have you noticed that self-absorption is a consuming state of mind?
Grace to Think Realistically
You see, being human, either I think too much of myself, or I think of myself too much.When I think too highly of myself, I will inevitably think too lowly of someone else. There’s only so much room at the top.