Embrace TruthIdentity

When God Sets Us Straight, Part 1

Have you ever looked at your self, added up your good points, subtracted out your not-so-pretty traits, and then started in on all the reasons why God shouldn't bother with you? Many of us can be tempted to see our faults and mistakes as things that will always hold us back, tethering our feet to the past and tainting our future.

Simple grace to overcome worry one step at a time.
Enjoy Life Blog PostsFamilyHumorous and Fun

Transitions in Parenting: Filling and Emptying the Family Nest

After all of this...our nest is empty.Tom and I are empty nesters! That’s what they call us. It’s been 23 years. We’ve raised our 3, helped with my two nephews, countless animals, and a variety of children’s friends.

It’s been a wild, loud, dysfunctional, chaotic and glorious ride filled with transition! For us, it’s not a time to focus on what we have lost, but what we are re-discovering! It’s our time to be proud of our children, watching them grow, using skills and tools that we have helped them develop over their life, while we focus on the start to a new phase of a full life. It’s exciting!


Worship Tips You Don’t Want to Miss

This is one of the things that I love about worship--there is always more. So much more! We can never learn it all, do it all, or figure it all out. We can never come to the end of God and we will never come to the end of worship. Worship that pleases God is a holy awe, bathed in grace, and entered into by gratitude.

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