4 Questions to Discover Your Calling: A Guest Post by Raymond Powell
God provides us with gifts and talents with which to meet the needs and opportunities He’s placed before us. He makes resources available to us but also places constraints on our service to guide us to where and how He wants us to minister
How to Know Your Calling for Ministry, Part 2
When God works in us, it comes out in what we do and say, in choices we make and the passions we pursue. It is God's revelation of Christ is us that is our true purpose and calling.
How to Know Your Calling, Part 1
Have you ever struggled with questions like, what is my calling? What am I supposed to be doing? What is God's plan for my life?
When God Speaks…
When God speaks...to Paula.
It has happened to me twice in the last year. And before that time, I can't remember it ever happening. As I was spending time reading God's word, meditating on it, and talking with Him about it, He gave me the reference to a verse in His word.
Wisdom for a Strong Life
Longing for strength and security, we want our lives to stand on a firm foundation. No one plans for instability--we are a people that place high value on having our act together.
Adjusting to Change During a Move
I must confess that I struggle with the Ornery Moving Hormone (OMH). You see, the sight of cardboard boxes on the curb, moving vans in driveways often makes me feel just a little nauseous. Dealing with change and transition is never easy.
Courage for the Little Things
This week's focus is on moving and transitions. Each year, I try to hit this topic as so many of the awesome readers of Ginger's Corner are military folks. Military or not, sometimes we have to move, whether it is new schools, new addresses, new...
My First YouTube Video: The How-Not-to-Worship Song
After much dragging of feet and a lot of help from my awesome son, I am pleased to post my very first YouTube video! God has been nudging at me to venture out and do something with some of the video I have. What did these nudges look...
Am I Willing? Living Out the Foot-Washing Lessons of Christ. Part 2
Has God ever surprised you with how he chooses to work? I am pretty sure none of the disciples entered the upper room that night expecting Jesus to wash their feet. Am I willing to learn, when the lesson is not what I expected?