My First YouTube Video: The How-Not-to-Worship Song
After much dragging of feet and a lot of help from my awesome son, I am pleased to post my very first YouTube video! God has been nudging at me to venture out and do something with some of the video I have. What did these nudges look...
Am I Willing? Living Out the Foot-Washing Lessons of Christ. Part 2
Has God ever surprised you with how he chooses to work? I am pretty sure none of the disciples entered the upper room that night expecting Jesus to wash their feet. Am I willing to learn, when the lesson is not what I expected?
Am I Willing? Living Out the Foot-Washing Lessons of Christ. Part 1
Acts of service require that we get up from the table. Service begins with a willingness to stop what we may be doing in order to serve others. Uncomfortable, I think about all the things piled up waiting for my attention.
From a Military Wife on Memorial Day
I did not plan to be a military wife.
"Did I ever tell you that I want to go into the Marine Corps and fly jets?" I was shocked silent. Was this guy going to suddenly turn into Rambo?
More Than a Volunteer…Putting My Inner Wimp to Rest
But large or small, the humility of service is the heart of a volunteer.This is the value and the truth that puts my Inner Wimp to rest, so I can enter boldly with the heart of one who serves the God Most High.
Just a Volunteer…and Other Accusations From My Inner Wimp
"You don't belong in here. These are the professionals, and you, my dear, are just a volunteer." My Inner Wimp can be rather nasty if I let her get a word in.
Mom-i-tude Adjustment for Frazzled Moms
I fully intend to bask in my well-deserved Mother's Day glory...until I am nudged to realize that I have been so busy lately that I haven't taken time to just enjoy being a mom. I have felt pressed with frustration of a To-Do list longer than a roll of toilet paper, and to be honest, it has made me just a little crabby. Feeling spread too thin is not good for frazzled moms. Time for a Mom-i-tude adjustment.
The Truth about Hearing God
Learning to recognize God’s voice challenges us to fight the tension between the physical and the spiritual, between the auditory and the intuitive. Holy Spirit speaks in the holy space between God’s truth on the page and the thoughts of our heart, calming fears, guiding decisions, revealing answers, convicting sins, strengthening weakness, teaching truth, and stirring up desire to know Christ.
Just a Hang Ten Kind of Day
Sometimes you just need a hang ten kind of day. There is nothing like the fun of kicking back with friends and taking a leisurely, where the mood may take us outing...just for fun. Just for friendship. Just because you can. Today, I had the...