Bring on the Peace
Is perfect peace possible? Isn't it interesting that God tells us that the content of our thoughts relates to the condition of our peace?
When Peace Gets Away: My Struggle with Anxiety
I was a basket case--afraid to go out and afraid to stay in. Afraid of being afraid. Afraid of nothing specific. Afraid of everything. God takes us through things so that we can learn on the deep level of experience. There comes a time when it is not enough to say it, or even think we believe it.
God’s Word + Obedience = PEACE.
To have peace, or not to have peace...
All too often, that is the question, isn't it? When we're searching for peace, what is it, exactly, that we're looking for?
Guest Posting Today on The Stream’s Edge
Hi there friends. Just a quick happy Sunday hello. Hope you have enjoyed God's peace this weekend. I invite you to click over to The Stream's Edge, where I am guest posting today. Join me for Three Easy Steps for Listening to...
Need a Little Peace?
Peace is one of those sweet, needed graces of God that can be easy to take for granted when we have it. However, when life gets crazy and we're running around like our hair's on fire, we long for peace. In fact, sometimes we’re downright desperate for peace.
When Work and Ministry Meet.
There is joy and fulfillment in learning to operate in our spiritual gifts in whatever we are doing, for God is always at work, both inside and outside the church walls. His calling and gifts can become part of who we are, part of how we think, as well as present in what we do!
Maximize the Overlap Between Gifts, Work, and Calling
You can be God's person on the job whether you work in the home or in industry. Learn to maximize the overlap between gifts, work, and calling by energizing your efforts with Godly motivation. Do your work for the Lord.
When You are Afraid You’re Not Good Enough
Somehow we tend to think of spiritual gifts as something we own once they are given.
My gift. My calling. My purpose. My responsibilty. Whose gift is it really?
10 Ways to Kindle Your Fire and Recharge Your Gift
Have you looked up and realized that what was once a burning fire seems to be dying out? Sometimes passion fizzles and we wonder if all the energy is worth it. Join me for 10 ways to kindle your fire and recharge your gift.