The Blessings of Attending Allume Blogging Conference
A summary of blessings and truths from keynote speakers at Allume. You don't have to be a writer to benefit from the encouragement of these wonderful ladies!
Three Ways to Keep Out of the Free-For-All Frustration Zone
You know those moments when nothing goes as planned and you think that life can't get much crazier? Those are the times we are smack dab in the black hole of the Frustration Zone--and it can quickly become a free-for-all.
3 More Principles for Stay-Sane Home Management
3 Simple Principles of Stay-Sane Home Management.
The Motivation of Order: The Stability of Balance
Believe me, I’d love to be uber-organized, but no matter how hard I try to get my ducks organized in a row, one of them always gets away. Over the years I have learned that when I elevate the importance of organization over relationships, the house may be ship shape, but I fall short of what God desires for my family. I have learned that nothing is perfect and that family life is an amazing, wonderful, frustrating, beautiful mess some days.
Is Organization the Priority?
When disorder reigns, we can struggle with our self esteem because things are a mess, the kids are misbehaving, and important details slip through the cracks. We can become cranky and impatient as frustration overshadows good intentions. Is organization the priority?
The Can’t-Get it-Together-Guide to Home Organization
Well, the drawback to being organically disorganized is that at some point out of sheer survival or necessity, you have to get it together.
Had Your Vision Checked Lately? The Gift of Spiritual Sight.
Present in our waiting world, we can see Him now. Yet how do we see what cannot be seen? Like squinting into the wind, we cannot physically see Christ.
You Can Find Peace: A Summary of Peace Verses
Check you the summary of peace verses from my recent series on peace. This post puts all the verse images and references together for an easy one-stop blessing.