4 Ways to Make Time with God in a Busy Life
Time spent reading God's word and listening to the insight of the Spirit at work in our hearts is a key ingredient in getting to know God better. A regular Quiet Time is the training ground in which we learn to listen to God with confidence. What do you do on days when you can't find the time, or don't have the energy to read your Bible? In this post I'm sharing four simple ways to connect with God in your busy life.
True Confessions of Super-Mom Syndrome
They say confession is good for the soul. I've always been the sort of gal who struggles to get it all together. Disorganized, usually late, inconsistent, often air-headed…So you can imagine my surprise, when I began to realize that I was struggling with a common, but little talked about syndrome. I struggle with Super-Mom Syndrome.
Living Miracles at Summer’s End
Arthur Rubinstein writes, "I have adopted the technique of living life from miracle to miracle." Today we are remembering daily wonders at summer's end with a photo essay of gratefulness.
When God Reaches In
Join me for a little worship photography and poetic musings on the word reach. What happens when God reaches in?
Pray It Forward
The world of a child is small--the neighborhood is the size of a universe. Somehow, the world expands and the challenges facing our children change. As each year passes, adulthood calls and the future opens. Together, let's pray them forward into tomorrow, laying a foundation of faith that their steps may be firm.
Letting Them Go: Faith Prayers for our Children
As my children head back to college, it's hard to let go. Join me in praying for our children this year.
Recent Guest Posts at Guideposts and Wives of Faith
I have recent posts at Guideposts and Wives of Faith. It's fun to get out and about in the blog-o-shere and I invite you to join me at some great sites.
Joy’s One Thing: Have You Got It?
We can't see to move forward if we stay focused on the past. With backward focus, it sure is hard to walk forward. Staying focused on the past feeds dissatisfaction, fuels guilt, prevents healing, stunts growth, and steals joy right out from under our unsteady feet.
How to Discover Joy is More Than a Feeling
What is joy? Joy comes and goes, often at the whim of our emotions. Different from happiness, Christian joy is a fruit of the Spirit. Discover secrets for joy and inspiration from Philippians. Biblical encouragement for Christian women seeking more joy in life.