9 Good Reasons Why It’s Okay to Cry When You Leave Your Child at College
Taking your child to college is an emotional time for mom, and it's okay to shed those tears. Relate to nine good reasons why moms cry when they leave their child at college.
Three Things I Learned From Depression
Depression. It’s a cruel invisible disease—one that we can’t see but can have devastating effects that hurt not just those who suffer but their families and future generations as well.
Guest Author, Dr. Michelle Bengtson of #HopePrevails, shares, "As a neuropsychologist, I diagnose and treat patients in my office every week who suffer from the devastating effects of this invisible yet heart-wrenching condition and my heart goes out to them because I know the pain they face. I’ve been there."
Wear Your Jersey: 12 Practical Ways to Show God’s Love This Summer
The identifying mark of a true believer in Christ is love. Giving love, selfless love, the kind of love that Jesus Himself gives out. If we learn from Jesus, if we’re His disciples, we will learn to love like He does. And oh, the world needs this kind of love!
3 Important Reasons to Let Go of Toxic Thinking
Learn to identify and overcome toxic thoughts that can become patterns of negative thinking. Develop awareness of your thoughts and choose to let go of unhealthy thinking that can become emotional bad habits.Don't let negative thinking impact your attitude and relationships.
20 Toxic Ways of Thinking That Will Poison Your Life
Do you struggle with toxic thinking that impacts your spiritual, relational, and emotional well being? Learn to identify 20 ways of toxic thinking and stop negative thinking today.
The Danger of Losing Your Child’s Heart
Melanie Redd joins us today discussing the danger of losing your child's heart. Will they grow up and not want to be around you? Will they will leave your house at about age 18 and not want to return again? Will they will have children of their own, and not want to bring those babies to see you? Or, will they politely spend time with you, but keep their hearts protected and their conversations shallow? Discover great resources and inspiration to help you win and keep your child's heart.
The Dark Side of Your LIST
A good list can produce an almost magical kind of productivity. But when your list becomes THE LIST, it's all too easy to discover the dark side of list making. Do you struggle with the dark side of THE LIST?
Reflections of a Reluctant List Maker
My mother was a fan of list-keeping. Both a hobby and an art form, she raised a simple tool for organization to a sacred practice, bringing us all closer to God.My mother lived by THE LIST, which was clamped to our harvest gold side-by-side fridge with a magnet. THE LIST was filled with items to buy, errands to run, and events to attend. I did not inherit my mother's organizational DNA...
Do You Have Spiritual ADD?
Distractions often keep us from focusing on God. Our minds wander. We wonder why our relationship with God feels distant.In addition to busy schedules and heavy work loads, distractions come in many forms. Some distractions are external to our environment and lifestyle. Others are internal, rooted in our thinking and emotions. Find practical tips for staying focused in your Bible reading as well as encouragement to trust God to develop your spiritual concentration.