When Jesus Speaks: It Only Takes a Word to Change Your Life
What can happen when Jesus speaks, takes the initiative to address your need? In Mark 3:1-6 is the biblical account of the compassion of Jesus as He heals a man with a withered hand. Consider what we learn about Christ and his love that meets this man's physical and spiritual need. Do you need a word from Christ today?
11 Fabulous Quotes to Inspire Your Heart to Love
Quotes and graphics to inspire your heart to love well and love much. Get a free printable of these inspiring quotes and verses on love! Print out the quotes and add to cards, crafts, and scrapbooks! Encourage someone you love today!
16 Ways to Love with Fresh Faith
Loving one another doesn't come in pat answers and cookie-cutter moments. To be honest, I've got a stubborn streak of all-about-me-DNA that breaks loose every now and then. When our focus is on ourselves, we're all about getting our need for love met in just the way we like it. It is the love of Christ that frees us from the "what's-in-it-for-me" mindset in our relationships. Fresh faith brings the power to love others God's way.
How to Know What to Say When Hard Things Happen
Sometimes we just don't know what to say when hard things happen to friends. We want to say the right thing, the best thing. Four things to remember when comforting a grieving friend.
How to Find Fresh Faith for Your New Year
Break free from the get-it-together mentality of goal setting and seek God's vision for this year. Seek growth instead of perfection, trusting God to work in your life. Discover fresh faith with a free printable to kick-off this year.
Fear Fighting: Are you a People Pleaser?
What do you do when God prompts your heart, but man judges it? Pleasing people can become a source of fear to fight against. Kelly Balarie, author of Fear Fighting, is guest posting today.
Best of the Blog for 2016
Enjoy the best of the blog from GingerHarrington.com. This is your quick guide to reader's favorite content. Together, let's keep faith fresh with encouraging truth.