Dare to Love One Another for Your Best Relationships
Be brave and let's dare to love one another better. One-anothering is a term I love to use when thinking about the many verses in Scripture that are part of God's instructions for healthy and vibrant relationships.
16 Ways to Love People Better
Focus on the power of love this Valentine's Day. As February 14 approaches, maybe you're thinking about how to show a little extra Valentine's-Day-Love to those special people in your life--husbands, kids, parents, and friends.
Are You Going to Believe What You’re Feelings are Telling You?
Feelings are powerful. Convincing. Enticing.But they are not truth.
Feelings sometimes shout and sometimes whisper, as they bully and badger, making us believe they carry truth. Learn to recognize the messages in your emotions for good emotional health.
Let Love Bring in Your Best Year Yet
Let love make this your best year ever by cultivating a few close relationships. Let's be brave enough to be real about our hard things, to confess and pray with loving hearts. Let's forgive and be kind.
When I Feel Alone
I make a career of waiting. I am a military wife--hurry up and wait is part of my life.
How do you handle being alone? I am alone a lot. I often wait for my husband to get home after 3 weeks away at a field operation or return from a 6 month deployment. I wait a lot. Add in being a mom--you know how that goes--and I pretty much have to wait for everyone. Patience does not come easily. I wait alone.
When It’s Time to Let Go of Our Children
The morning my daughter was set to leave for Australia, I woke with a heavy heart. That one-way ticket, the reality of saying goodbye pressed hard against the joyful knowledge that she is following God's lead.I will open my hands to hold onto God rather than cling to what I cannot keep. In a way, this is hoarding the past and today is a time for something new.
How I Know God Cares About Our Fears
Do you ever wonder if God cares about your fears? Fear and worry often plagues mothers at every stage of parenting. Regardless of the age of our children, God is continually teaching and challenging us to trust Him. Do you ever wake up and...
Coming and Going With Faith and Joy
Sunlight dances on her head and the fire in her soul radiates joy and passion through her eyes. It bounces through her voice. This is my daughter, the one who just returned from a six month Discipleship Training School in Australia. My heart is...
Prayer is a Gift of the Heart This Christmas
With all of the hustle and bustle of the season, it can be challenging to maintain a practical focus on the birth of Christ. Amid the parties, shopping, wrapping, baking, and fun activities, Christ can fade into the background if we aren’t...