Thanksgiving is More Than a Holiday: A Moment for Gratitude
Thanksgiving is more than a holiday. In the middle of holiday preparations, join me for a moment to let your soul take in the fresh air of gratitude. Happy Thanksgiving!
A Practical Prayer Plan for Your Community and Book Giveaway
Discover a guide to help you pray purposefully for the needs of people you care about. Enter to win a copy of Pray A to Z: A Practical Guide to Pray for Your Community, a great new resource from Amelia Rhodes.
Why Fresh Faith?
Celebrate life with holy habits that make a difference for today and for eternity. God invites us all to discover anew the joy of fresh waters.
Discover Fresh Faith
We've got an new look and a fresh vision for GingerHarrington.com! Live better and love more. Find a fresh breath of God to energize your faith to love God, embrace truth, and enjoy life. With heart, hope, and a dash of humor, let's receive God's blessings fresh for today. Come for a visit to refresh your soul.
Tired of Trying to Make Yourself a Better Person?
Ever thought about the difference between a spiritual makeover and transformation? A spiritual makeover is a quick fix: read a book, make a resolution, and apply a few Bible. Maybe we need something more than try-hard efforts to be a better person. The person we want to be.
Loving Holley Gerth’s Newest Book: Do You Know You’re Already Amazing?
Some books reach right into your heart, pressing on tender spots tucked out of sight. Currently, I'm reading a brand new devotional from one of my favorite authors, Holley Gerth. As I read, I find myself each chapter. Did You Know You're Already Amazing: 30 Truths to Set Your Heart Free, is Holley's devotional companion to You're Already Amazing.
Do You Struggle With Confidence?
Confidence doesn't come just for the asking. We cannot simply will ourselves to be confident. Unlike Dorothy and her glittery red slippers, we cannot click our heals and repeat, "I am confident" three times and will ourselves to be confident. We cannot chase inadequacy away with better performance and enhanced looks. For here is the trap--how much is enough? How many affirmations and successes will it take to settle the questions of our souls?
I Can Stop Worrying About the Impact of Moving on My Kids
As a mom, I've honed the art of worrying about my kids. Twenty-three years of parenting and seven military moves have provided ample opportunity to raise my worry-skills to expert level. Change seems to be the constant of our lives. The uprooting of belonging was hard for me as an adult; what was it doing to my kids? As a mom, I often worried about the impact change and transition would have on my children.
How Do You Find Peace?
I'm excited to share my recent article published in the August issue of Refresh Magazine! In today’s world, stress has become our normal condition. Our culture has many formulas for peace, or at least lots of ways to make us feel better. Try this, do that, buy this entice advertisements. The world’s false peace shimmers on the horizon, visible, but always out of reach.