Pondering Gratitude

Pondering Gratitude

Though we celebrate Thanksgiving as a holiday, filled with feasting, family, and friends, thanksgiving is for every day. In reality, thankfulness is an orientation of the heart rather than an activity or event. Thankfulness seeps out of our very pores when we have our...
When Love Runs on Empty

When Love Runs on Empty

We love, because He first loved us. If you drive a car without filling the gas tank, eventually you will run out of gas. No brainer, right? Gas tanks are simple. They require energy in order to function. Watch the gas gauge and you can see when the tank is nearing...
Knowing + Doing = Blessing

Knowing + Doing = Blessing

We sat down at the table, the steam rising from bowls of homemade soup. I looked across the table at my friend, a mom of four children with a world of experience. Pregnant with my first child, I was grateful for the time to learn about this mothering role.  I had no...

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