Learn practical tips to develop a daily quiet time with God, helping you shift from duty to delight. Create a consistent quiet time plan, explore key resources, and find joy in consistent devotion in this guide to a meaningful time in God’s Word. Read the article or listen to the podcast episode.

Flat lay of a Bible and cup of coffee on white background.

Finding the time and energy for a daily quiet time with God can be challenging in our busy lives. Between work, family, and other commitments, it’s easy to let this essential spiritual practice slip through the cracks. But God isn’t asking for perfection—He’s asking for your presence.


Quiet moments with God lead to a life filled with peace.


Shifting “Should Do” to “Want To” in Your Quiet Time


Black text on white background with Psalm 1:2.

Moving from duty to delight begins with a willingness to show up. Be willing to start. Be willing for it not to be perfect. Be willing for God to lead you. Trust God to shape and transform your heart as you meet with Him regularly..

Psalm 1:2-3 says:

“But his delight is in the law of the Lord,
And in His law he meditates day and night.
He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water,
Which yields its fruit in its season,
And its leaf does not wither;
And in whatever he does, he prospers. (NASB)


This passage illustrates the power of delighting in God’s Word, comparing the person who meditates on Scripture to a fruitful tree, deeply rooted and nourished by streams of water. I love this vivid picture of how regularly engaging with Scripture brings spiritual growth and vitality.

It’s not about checking off the “I read my Bible today’ box”. It’s about allowing that time to transform into a desire—to a “want to” rather than a “should do.”


For me, this shift happens when we stop viewing quiet time as a task to complete and start seeing it as an opportunity to meet with God. It’s a sacred time that nourishes our souls, much like the tree planted by the water in Psalm 1. Root your life in God’s Word, and watch your faith grow.


Practical Steps to Delight in God’s Word


  • Pray for desire: Ask God to stir a desire in your heart for His Word
  • Meditate on Scripture: Take time to reflect deeply, even on a single verse, letting it sink into your heart.
  • Find joy in the process: Approach your Bible reading with curiosity and openness, expecting God to speak to you.


When we approach our quiet time with this mindset, we begin to experience our quiet time as a life-giving habit of hope that refreshes our spirit and draws us closer to God.


A Quiet Time Plan Helps with Consistency


One of the most impactful things you can do for your quiet time is to make a plan. Without one, it’s easy to feel aimless or to put it off altogether. As my friend Larissa says, “The time of day doesn’t matter; consistency does.”


Finding a workable time in your schedule is key, whether it’s in the morning, during your lunch break, or in the evening. A consistent time helps build momentum and develop the habit of daily devotion.


How to create your quiet time plan:


  • Identify a time of day that works for you.
  • Find a quiet, comfortable space where you can minimize distractions.
  • Gather any materials you need ahead of time—your Bible, notebook, pens, etc.
  • Choose a short devotional to guide your reading.
  • Use a Bible reading plan to provide structure.
  • Spend a few moments in prayer, asking God to speak to you through His Word.


Adjust Your Quiet Time Routine as Needed


Whether you are new to the practice of having a devotional time with God or simply looking for ideas to refresh your routine, don’t overthink it. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the idea of having the “perfect” quiet time.


For many of us, it’s tempting to wait for the perfect conditions to begin. You can always adjust and grow as you go. Begin where you are, even if that means just spending 10-15 minutes in prayer and reading. Over time, you’ll develop the habit, and you’ll naturally begin to crave more time with God.


Keep a running list of the topics or passages you want to explore next. This way, you always have a plan. If you find yourself floundering without a specific plan, consider starting with:


  • A Bible reading plan of daily passages (See examples below).
  • Reflective questions or prompts to guide your study (Get my free Spiritual Growth Pack for my favorite prompts and tips).
  • Writing down prayers or personal reflections to help solidify what you’re learning.


A 7-Day Bible Reading Plan


If you’re not sure where to begin with your quiet time, here’s a 7-day Bible reading plan to guide you:


  1. Day 1: Psalm 1:1-3 – Delighting in the law of the Lord.
  2. Day 2: Isaiah 55:6-11 – The power and purpose of God’s Word.
  3. Day 3: Matthew 6:5-13 – Jesus teaches about prayer.
  4. Day 4: Philippians 4:4-7 – Rejoice in the Lord always.
  5. Day 5: Romans 12:1-2 – Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
  6. Day 6: James 1:22-25 – Be doers of the Word.
  7. Day 7: Psalm 119:103-105 – God’s Word as a lamp to our feet.


Read Through a Book of the Bible


I usually work through a book of the Bible rather than read a selection of topical verses. Consider one of the Gospels or one of the New Testament Letters, reading a ½ chapter or so each day. Choose the pace that best fits your time and attention span. Here’s a reading plan for Philippians:


Day 1: Philippians 1:1-14

  • Theme: Thanksgiving and prayer for the believers at Philippi. Paul expresses gratitude for their partnership in the gospel and confidence in God’s work in them.

Day 2: Philippians 1:15-30

  • Theme: Paul’s perspective on suffering. He reflects on how his imprisonment has advanced the gospel and shares his desire to honor Christ in life or death.

Day 3: Philippians 2:1-11

  • Theme: Christ’s humility and example. Paul encourages the believers to have the same mindset as Christ, who humbled himself and was exalted by God.

Day 4: Philippians 2:12-30

  • Theme: Working out salvation and examples of faithfulness. Paul exhorts the believers to live out their salvation with reverence, and he commends Timothy and Epaphroditus as models of faithful service.

Day 5: Philippians 3:1-11

  • Theme: Warning against legalism. Paul contrasts his former life of legalistic righteousness with the surpassing worth of knowing Christ and the power of His resurrection.

Day 6: Philippians 3:12-21

  • Theme: Pressing on toward the goal. Paul encourages believers to press on in their faith, forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead.

Day 7: Philippians 4:1-13

  • Theme: Rejoicing in the Lord and contentment. Paul urges the believers to rejoice always and offers practical advice for peace. He shares his secret of contentment in all circumstances.

Day 8: Philippians 4:14-23

  • Theme: Gratitude for the Philippians’ generosity. Paul expresses his heartfelt thanks for the gifts they sent him and assures them that God will meet all their needs according to His riches in glory.

Helpful Quiet Time and Bible Study Tools


There are many tools and resource that can enrich our personal time with God. Study Bibles, devotional books, journal, and even digital resources can be valuable ways to deepen your time with God.


One helpful tip is keeping a running note or list of what you want to study next. As you read and reflect, God often highlights topics or verses for further study. Don’t let those moments slip away—write them down and revisit them during future quiet times.


Essential Tools for Quiet Time


  • Bible (Consider a study Bible for deeper understanding)
  • Journal or notebook for notes and reflections
  • Highlighters, pens, and post-it notes for marking key passages


There are a variety of digital resources I have found helpful. I don’t rely on these, but each has a place in helping me connect with God more deeply.


 Digital Resources to Enhance Your Quiet Time


Here are a selection of my favorite websites and apps:

  • Blue Letter Bible: A great tool for looking up original text definitions, providing deeper insight into specific verses.
  • BibleGateway.com: Easily compare different Bible translations. Try reading multiple versions side by side. Here’s an example of Psalm 1:2-3 in NASB, AMP, and The Message: BibleGateway – Psalm 1:2-3.
  • BibleHub.com: My go-to for viewing parallel translations. Use the “Parallel” tab for easy comparison. Example: BibleHub – Psalm 1:3.
  • Lexio 365 App: Offers audio reflective devotions using the Lectio Divina method for meditative Bible reading.
  • YouVersion: A diverse collection of reading plans and devotionals for all types of study.


You don’t need to use all these resources every day, but they can provide valuable insight when you want to dig deeper into a passage.


Grace for Your Quiet Time


It’s important to aim for consistency but also to walk in grace. Life can be unpredictable, and some days may not go as planned. If you miss your quiet time, that’s okay! There are days when I don’t get my quiet time in the morning, but I’ll circle back later in the day or make it up tomorrow.


God’s not up there with a stopwatch—He’s looking at the posture of our hearts.


Flexibility is essential, especially as we move through different seasons of life. What worked for you a year ago may not be what works today, and that’s perfectly fine. Give yourself the freedom to adjust your routine as needed.


Consistency Over Perfection


In the end, building a consistent quiet time isn’t about perfection—it’s about cultivating a heart that delights in God’s Word every day. As you apply these steps in your own life, remember that the journey is ongoing.


Some days will feel spiritually rich, while others may feel more ordinary—but the key is to keep showing up. Consistency allows room for growth, and over time, the desire to spend time with God will deepen into a delight and hunger for His presence.

Questions for Personal Growth


What’s one small step you can take today to create a more consistent quiet time?  Whether it’s finding a new space, choosing a Scripture passage, or simply starting with 10 minutes, God will meet you right where you are.

  • What time of day works best for me to spend focused time with God?
  • How can I minimize distractions and create a more peaceful space for my quiet time?
  • Am I giving myself enough grace and flexibility during this season of life?
  • What tools or resources could help deepen my Bible study


I’d love to hear what’s working in your quiet time and how God is moving in your life! Leave a comment to share your thoughts.

Listen to the Podcast Version



For more practical tips, listen to our latest Habits of Hope podcast episode [link], where we discuss these topics in depth. Be sure to get my Spiritual Growth Pack, a free resource in the Deeper Life Collection for subscribers. Featuring tips, prompts, and prayers, this valuable resource will help you connect with God more deeply as you delight in His Word.

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