Blogging is ultimately about sharing good content and developing relationships. Invite your reader into a great conversation, with the feel of having coffee with a friend.

9 blogging tips for writers

There are tips and tools of the trade that can make writing effective. Recently I’ve had some great opportunities to encourage new bloggers. So today, I’m changing things up a bit and  sharing tips I’ve learned about blogging.

Use these tips to improve your writing and blogging.

[tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#writing #blogging”]9 Writing Tips for Bloggers[/tweetthis]

Use this post as a resource and overview. If you’re new to blogging, give yourself permission to grow into using these tips with confidence. Take advantage of the curated content and helpful links to additional information and examples.

1. Content is key.

What do you have to say and why is it important? Is your content relevant, and does your post give a single, clear message? Though there are bloggers that make their living by rambling opinions and random thoughts, most readers want to read a clear, relevant message.

Types of blog posts for inspirational sites.

  • Share an experience with a take away
  • Reflect on a meaningful message
  • Devotional post on scripture
  • How-to post/Tutorial
  • List Post/ 5 Reasons to ______.
  • Solve a problem
  • Provide a benefit
  • Resource list

Here are more content ideas from Content Marketer’s Essential Guide:

21 Types of Content

 2. Write a great headline.

The headline is your first, and sometimes last chance, to catch the attention of readers. A compelling title generates interest. Use key words in your title and be clear about the benefit of your post. Numbers, power words, and clear benefit are places to start when writing a good headline.

3. Hook the attention of the reader with a strong beginning.

There are many good ways to start a blog post: (The following links include examples from this blog.)

4. Keep it short.

500 words is the average blog post. Try to stay within a 500-700 word range. It is better to divide into two shorter posts, than wear out the reader with a marathon post.

5. Write tight.

Shorter sentences and paragraphs work well.  Keep your paragraphs 1-3 sentences as a general rule. Aim for 5 sentences as your max in one paragraph. Pull out all the extra words, wordy phrases, repetition, unnecessary adverbs, and passive language. Part of writing tight is developing a good proofreading routine.

6. Avoid weak language and use power words:


Examples of weak words

 Choose strong verbs:

Strong Verbs


7. Make your post screen friendly.

Create visual space on the page. Chunk your text using titles, short paragraphs, images, and bullet lists. Add space between each element. Any time there is a large mass of text on the page, it can appear to be hard or boring to read.

Visual Checklist for Blogs

8. Be yourself.

[tweetthis]Write with your personality in a conversational tone.[/tweetthis] Blogging isn’t teaching or preaching, so avoid any hint of the formality of lecture. Encourage and invite your reader into your experience, come along side and share rather than write like one who has all the answers. Read your post aloud for a readability check. You will naturally hesitate over words that don’t fit.

9. Finish with a call to action.

A call to action is where you clearly ask your reader to do something:

  • Subcribe or sign up
  • Leave a comment
  • Share post on social media
  • Like on Facebook
  • Click on a link

If you are new to blogging, your head is probably spinning if you’ve made it to the end of this post. Keep this list as a guide and enjoy writing great blog posts.

Share this post using the social media icons. Have fun writing!





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9 blogging tips for writers
Use these tips to improve your writing and blogging.
21 Types of Content
Examples of weak words
Strong Verbs
Visual Checklist for Blogs
Author of Holy in the Moment: Simple Ways to Love God and Enjoy Your Life, Ginger Harrington is an award-winning blogger, speaker, and ministry leader of Planting Roots: Strength to Thrive in Military Life.