Come Find Your Strong

Come Find Your Strong

Holiness moves through the small things, grace for the moments, simple and short. Added together, holy moments change lives and steer destinies in God’s direction. But it all comes down to attitudes and choices made…one moment at a time. If I reach for the grace of...
One Simple Antidote to Worry

One Simple Antidote to Worry

We’ve been wrapping our hearts around the holiness that we find in the simple things that create faith and wholeness. We are choosing to rest in the simplicity of faith, right now in this very moment. Last week I posted at 5 Minutes for Faith, and it fits right...
Soul Doing: What are You up to?

Soul Doing: What are You up to?

Trust in the Lord and do good. Psalm 37:3a Life at the sixth grade lunch table can be a hard place to be. To be labeled a Goody-two-shoes was a kiss of death to anyone who longed to be popular. Maybe we still carry these negative connotations of do-gooders. But...

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