In this post I’m sharing one of my favorite Christmas craft projects I’ve made for my family. Start a Christmas memory book of faith, a small photo album or scrapbook dedicated to family Christmas memories. Add a few pictures, Bible verses, or memories each year! This family Christmas scrapbook also makes a very special gift. 

Too much Christmas activity can turn festive into frantic all too quickly. Good intentions pile up as we shop for gifts, decorate the house, enjoy special events, and work on all the details that add that special touch to Christmas.

The joy of the Christmas season beckons and we don’t want to miss a single memory to be made with family and friends. But at the same time, we don’t want to brush past the true meaning of Christmas on our way out the door to the next event.

How do we keep faith from fading into the background, overshadowed by preparations and festivities? I’m learning to be intentional about creating space to keep Christ the center of Christmas in the way our family celebrates Christmas.

Though we have many fun traditions like the tree, cookies, and the Grab Bag (a family activity), my favorite traditions keep our focus on faith and family.

[tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#Christmasactivities #faith”]Begin a new tradition of keeping a Christmas memory book of faith.[/tweetthis]

How to create a Christmas memory book of faith:

One simple and meaningful tradition involves creating or adding to a scrapbook or journal devoted to Christmas. I keep the focus on faith and family, but you can also incorporate any aspect of your family Christmas season. Each year collect a few photos, verses, or devotional thoughts in your book. Add a few faith memories each year, creating a special family book of memories and inspiration.

Faith, Christmas, Scrapbooking, Family Activities

There are many possibilities and variations in making your family Christmas scrapbook. The family can work together to create one book or you can make a small book for family members. You can be crafty with paper and decorations. I keep mine simple, using a photo album and some ribbon to decorate the cover. My adult children love having their own small Christmas photo album to remember sweet Christmas  memories through the years.

Scrapbooking, Christmas, Family Activity

Incorporate a few of these ideas in your Christmas memory book:

Photos Ideas for a Christmas Scrapbook:

  • A family Christmas Eve picture
  • Decorating the tree
  • Making a gift or craft
  • Lighting advent candles
  • Giving a gift
  • A service project
  • Reading the Christmas story
  • Christmas photos of parents or grandparents growing up
  • A first Christmas photo for each child

Faith Ideas for a Christmas Memory Book:

Memories to Include in a Christmas Photo Album:

  • Add the family Christmas card or photo each year
  • Memorabilia from a special Christmas event
  • Let kids add small drawings of a scene from the Christmas story
  • Kid drawings of a favorite Christmas memory
  • Photos of child’s artwork
  • Photo of a homemade gift given
  • Invite special guests to write a brief note

Photo albums and craft supplies

Basic Supplies to Make a Christmas Memory Book:

  • Blank book of some kind–a journal, sketchbook,  or scrapbook of a preferred size.
  • Photos and memorabilia
  • Craft paper or index cards
  • Adhesive
  • Pens, markers, colored pencils, crayons (as desired)

Optional Embellishments for Your Christmas Scrapbook:

  • Stickers
  • Stamps
  • Ribbon
  • Washi tape
  • Gift tags


Enjoy making this Christmas scrapbook that includes family traditions, special memories, and meaningful prayers or Bible verses for a  treasure you and your family will enjoy for years to come.

How do you keep faith a special part of Christmas with your family? Share you ideas in the comments, I’d love to hear from you!

Red scrapbooks decorated with Christmas ribbon

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Faith, Christmas, Scrapbooking, Family Activities
Scrapbooking, Christmas, Family Activity
Photo albums and craft supplies
Red scrapbooks decorated with Christmas ribbon
Author of Holy in the Moment: Simple Ways to Love God and Enjoy Your Life, Ginger Harrington is an award-winning blogger, speaker, and ministry leader of Planting Roots: Strength to Thrive in Military Life.