How to Care for Your Soul: Best Tips from 13 Bloggers

Soul care opens the door for fresh faith and vibrant life. Intentional choices to care for our souls open the door for everyday holiness that makes a difference.

Because this is such a practical and important topic, I’ve rounded up some of my favorite bloggers to share their best tips. I asked them two simple questions:

  • What have you learned about soul care?
  • What is one way you care for your soul?

[tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#soulcare #faith #refreshfaith”]Take care of your soul with these practical tips from Christian bloggers.[/tweetthis]

Hint: each blogger’s name is linked to related posts on their websites. Save this post as a valuable resource for God-filled soul care!

Betsy DeCruz

I take care of my soul by trying fresh approaches to my quiet time. Time with God every morning recharges me and helps realign my heart to God’s purposes—yet sometimes I fall into a rut.

Some mornings I zone out while praying or my eyes glaze over while I read scripture, so I like to get creative. I listen to a worship song or sometimes light a candle. I use colored pencils and pens in my journal.

When I feel burdened, I spend more time praying. I use prayer journaling, prayer mapping, and make simple lists as I lift my concerns to the Lord and pray for grace to trust Him. Other days I spend more time reading scripture. I like to use different approaches to engage with God’s Word: reading aloud, listening, writing out verses, or verse mapping.

One thing almost never changes: I choose one verse to take with me into my day.


Deb Wolf

The one thing I’ve learned is that soul care is absolutely essential. My soul is the core of who I am. I fall apart mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually if my soul is not filled by the One who created it.

When it comes to how I care for my soul . . . I focus on Jesus through prayer and Bible study. I also enjoy spending  time talking with others and reading books and blogs.

If I want to enjoy peace in my soul, I need Jesus!


Liz Giertz

I’ve learned that soul care isn’t optional.

If I don’t do it, I can’t care for anybody else. Like most women, I have quite a few people who rely on me to care for them.

On a daily basis, I get up before the other members of my house to have coffee with Jesus. But sometimes I need more time alone with Him than our crazy schedules allow.

My husband has been so supportive, allowing me time once or twice a year to get away to a quiet place where I can simply soak in all God has for filling me up. I love getting lost in the Bible and swept away by worship – that provides everlasting nourishment for my soul.

The other thing that sets my soul on fire, is dreaming with God about how I can use what He’s given me to glorify Him.


Adrienne Terrebone

As a mom, it is easy to neglect myself, spending all my energy on serving my husband and three children. When I don’t take time to focus on myself, even if it’s just for 15 minutes a day, I can easily get depleted, which leads to frustration for me and for my family.

For me, caring for my soul means a variety of things.

  • Slowing down and enjoying the small moments with my children.
  • Spending time in the Word of God or
  • Enjoying a good book on the back porch.

I tend to be introverted which means that I need a little time to myself to rejuvenate and refresh.


Arabah Joy

Soul care starts with Psalm 46:10, which says, “Be still and know that I am God.” Regular communion with God is the best way I can take care of my soul.

I’ve learned the importance of solitude and stillness. That means getting away from people and the hustle of daily life with no phones, computers, or other noise makers.

Book: Trust Without Borders: A 40-Day Devotional Journey to Deepen, Strengthen, and Stretch Your Faith in God


Melanie Redd

We all need time apart – time to come away and refresh, renew, and be restored. When I don’t take time for these things, I become uptight, tense, and difficult to live with! So, in the best interest of my family, friends, and ministry, I need to make time for my soul to be filled back up.

To recharge my soul, I daily have quiet time, weekly have more lengthy quiet time, and twice a year, my husband and I try to take a few days away to be still. It’s amazing what these times of quiet do to restore our souls!

One of my favorite ways to fill back up is to spend time with other women who love the Lord and love me. To share our hearts, share our burdens, pray with each other, and pray for each other – all of these things deeply minister to my soul!

I try to get with at least one positive, praying friend every week.

Book: How to Win Your Child’s Heart For Life: 8 Proven Strategies for Parents

Sarah Koontz

My soul has needs, demands, cravings that must be satisfied on a regular basis.  When I fail to care for my soul, I am unfit to care for anything or anyone else in my life.

I carve out time for rest…every single day.  God has taught me the art of restful living. When I rest, I rest my whole person: Body, Soul, and Spirit.  Rest gives my soul perspective, patience, and the strength to persist.


Cathy Baker

I’ve learned in caring for my soul is that it prefers a whole-food diet. I can do good things 24/7. I can speed-read a multitude of good and godly books. And I can attend church every Sunday. But if my regular intake of spiritual nourishment isn’t grounded in devouring the wholeness of God’s Word (Jer. 15:16) and time with Him in prayer, all other things—no matter how good—leaves me weak, confused, and vulnerable.

One way I’ve started caring for my soul is to crank up the praise music and sing for 15 minutes before sitting down to read the Bible. Luke 10 tells us to love God with all of our heart, soul, and strength, and singing praises with my whole heart is one way my soul is both emptied and re-filled. It has also proven to set the stage for a deeper, more meaningful one-on-one time with Him.


Kori Yates

Soul care has to be a priority, something done intentionally or it doesn’t get done. It also seems to get more important to me the longer I walk with the Lord and know Him more.

Make time with Him a priority. Some of my best times with him are running early in the morning with no distractions. I have to schedule it and I prefer to do it first thing. I also intentionally find friends or small groups.

Community and accountability is vital for my soul care.

Book: Olive Drab Pom-Poms


Michelle Bengtson

I’ve learned that if the enemy of our soul cannot destroy us, he’ll distract us with so much busyness that we forget to take time to take care of ourselves.

If we don’t take care of ourselves, our well will run dry until we have nothing left to pour out onto others. We must consider life a marathon and not a sprint, and take time to care for ourselves if we want to have the strength and endurance for the difficult valleys.

I make it a priority to engage in regular physical exercise every week, and then on a regular basis, I make it a priority to get out on the water where I feel most at peace. That always brings me back to a place where I hear God best and can forget about the worries of the day/week/month for a few moments and just be still and rest in Him.

Book: Hope Prevails: Insights from a Doctor’s Personal Journey Through Depression.


Kellie Balarie

If I don’t care for my soul, no one else will. The matter of caring for my soul hinges upon making time for God. If I don’t, I suffer. If I do, I grow in fruitfulness, joy and kindness.

My favorite way to refresh my soul is to take a walk with God. I love to get outside, breathe deep and let His creation touch my heart.

Book: Fear Fighting: Awakening Courage to Overcome Your Fears


Karrilee Aggett

If I don’t make caring for my soul a priority, no one else will either! In fact, no one else will know if I am taking care of myself… at least not until it’s quite obvious to everyone! (Ask me how I know!)

I have learned, as an Introvert who pastors, I need to schedule in a chunk of time to recharge after a full weekend of ministering or a big event. I try to rest that day or set aside time. I’m not going to allow time to boss me around.

During my refresh time, I do only things that fill me up… read, write, pray, make art, go for a walk. Sometimes meet an encouraging friend for coffee or watch a movie (as long as I am not using it as a way to escape).

Soul Care (or self-care) is not selfish at all and it actually enables me to bring my best self to the table on a more consistent basis!


Jennifer Moye

I have learned that when caring for myself, I am caring for the rest of my body, and my family as well. God commands us to worship him with all our mind, body, and soul. Caring for our body, mind, and soul is one way of offering worship.

One way I’m learning to take care of my soul is a new-found practice of holy yoga, which helps me calm my mind and pray Scripture. We are so rushed in today’s life that we rarely clear our thoughts enough to enjoy God’s presence.

Book: A Gospel Christmas: Our Journey Connecting Santa and His Elf to the Story of Our Savior


Your Turn!

What have you learned about soul care? What’s your best practice for attending to your soul? I’d love for you to leave a comment and share your thoughts!


Enjoy the rest of this series:

It’s Okay to Love Yourself

To the One Who’s Forgotten She Matters: 10 Ways to Love Yourself

Soul Care: 5 Godly Ways to Care for Your Soul

Enjoy my new mini-ebook, Soul Care that Makes the Difference. Use this simple tool for a devotional guide or prayer journal and experience the difference soul care can make.

Free ebook. Soul Care That Makes the Difference. Use this simple list of tips and verses as a prayer guide for caring for your soul.

Enjoy beautiful quotes that remind you to care for your soul. Learn more about simple reminders and truths from Ginger’s new book, Holy in the Moment: Simple Ways to Love God and Enjoy Your Life.Sample quote graphics:Sign up for Ginger's Newsletter to receive printable quotes from Holy in the Moment. Care for your soul with these beautiful reminders to live with grace and intention.



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How to Care for Your Soul: Best Tips from 13 Bloggers
Free ebook. Soul Care That Makes the Difference. Use this simple list of tips and verses as a prayer guide for caring for your soul.
Sample quote graphics:Sign up for Ginger's Newsletter to receive printable quotes from Holy in the Moment. Care for your soul with these beautiful reminders to live with grace and intention.
Author of Holy in the Moment: Simple Ways to Love God and Enjoy Your Life, Ginger Harrington is an award-winning blogger, speaker, and ministry leader of Planting Roots: Strength to Thrive in Military Life.