Out and About It’s always fun to get out of my corner and get out on the blog-o-spere. I have the privilege of posting regularly at several sites, 5 Minutes for Faith and More to Be. This month I’m excited to join in the fun at Wives of Faith and...
There are times in life when the path before us is clear. The trail is well marked and the destination is in view. With a map in our pocket, we feel sure of the next step. Security blossoms and the world feels right as our insides relax. Confidence comes easier when...
To be known, loved, and accepted is a deep need of every heart. Belong is a word that pulls up powerful emotions from the well down deep in our hearts. Belong has a space all its own in the real-estate of our hearts, one that is often sanded down with the grit of...
I waited in Harold and Kathy’s Diner for my friend to arrive. Finding a table in the small, but crowded dining area, I sat and looked around. I was surrounded by your average American, diner-eating crowd–a few workers, several retired couples, a few...
God’s peace is beyond our ability to truly understand, yet it arrives with the power to protect, to guard our hearts and our minds, safe in the hand’s of Jesus. Our crazy heart, the seat of our feelings, responds to peace and the mind, interprets peace. In...
If you’re in the military, moving is a given. A fact of life. And actually, it is a really good part of military life….most of the time. The Ornery Moving Hormone Long ago, when all the other military wives were receiving their gear, I must have been late that...
So glad you're here. I help busy women—gals like you— build healthy habits for living well with biblical wisdom and practical steps to deepen your faith, increase your hope, and thrive in your purpose.