Enjoy Life Blog PostsHumorous and Fun

Mom-i-tude Adjustment for Frazzled Moms

I fully intend to bask in my well-deserved Mother's Day glory...until I am nudged to realize that I have been so busy lately that I haven't taken time to just enjoy being a mom. I have felt pressed with frustration of a To-Do list longer than a roll of toilet paper, and to be honest, it has made me just a little crabby. Feeling spread too thin is not good for frazzled moms. Time for a Mom-i-tude adjustment.

Embrace TruthListening to GodQuiet Time

The Truth about Hearing God

Learning to recognize God’s voice challenges us to fight the tension between the physical and the spiritual, between the auditory and the intuitive. Holy Spirit speaks in the holy space between God’s truth on the page and the thoughts of our heart, calming fears, guiding decisions, revealing answers, convicting sins, strengthening weakness, teaching truth, and stirring up desire to know Christ.

Embrace TruthListening to GodQuiet Time

Three Simple Ways to Listen to God

Learning to listen to a God that we cannot meet with face to face can be a confusing thing. Ever feel like there are marshmallows clogging your ears when it comes to hearing God? God's heart is wide open for relationship, and learning to recognize His voice breaks through the barrier of our misunderstanding and skewed expectations. Begin to read the Bible as a conversation with the God who loves you more than you could ever understand.

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