Embrace TruthEnjoy Life Blog Posts

Truth to Hang on to When Life is Busy

I did manage to multi-task...once. I believe that was back in 1997. Just kidding, but I do find it a challenge to keep up with many things and do it all to the level that I'd like. Maybe this is a struggle for you as well. If so, let's encourage each other! The temptation is to look ahead and want to panic. Or maybe just hyperventilate a bit. That's the temptation but not the truth.

Digging Deeper

Grace Defined

Grace is like oxygen; we simply must have it in order to breathe and survive the crazy days on this planet. Like air that fills our lungs and fuels the cells of our bodies, we are often unaware that we are constantly breathing grace. As we begin this new year, how many ways is grace expressed in your life?

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