How Rest and Solitude Restore Your Soul After Stress or Loss
Rest and solitude are vital to creating time and space for Jesus to restore our souls. Unlike physical rest, soul rest is a gift from God. Beyond the busyness of life, we will navigate times of extended stress, grieve deep losses, or face significant trials. When we are depleted, we need to make time to attend to our mental, emotional, and spiritual needs in the care and keeping of Christ. The benefits of intentional rest and solitude bring healing and refreshment, enabling us to move forward with fresh energy and greater wisdom.
Gratitude Matters: 10 Truths and Tips for a Grateful Life
Gratitude matters. Experience the difference gratitude makes with 10 truths and tips for a grateful life. Do you believe gratitude is a worthy goal? One that can make a true difference in your life? Though we celebrate Thanksgiving as a holiday, filled with feasting, family, and friends, giving thanks is an everyday grace for bringing the sacred into any moment. On the spiritual side, gratefulness is more than an attitude. It’s can also become holy habit that draws us closer to God, strengthens faith, and brings freedom from worry.
Best Reasons and Quotes to Honor Memorial Day from a Military Spouse
We owe a debt we can never repay to the brave men and women who have paved the way to the freedom with their lives. As we remember ultimate sacrifice of our nation's fallen, may we also remember the many levels of sacrifice of our nation's military and their families. As a military spouse, Memorial Day is a deeply personal and meaningful day of great importance for me. Consider the many stresses and sacrifices of our nation's military and the families who love them as I share a few of my favorite quotes to honor Memorial Day.
32 Best Quotes to Celebrate Dad on Father’s Day
No dad is perfect, but every dad is important. The art of fathering is seldom taught, but best learned through example. To be a godly father is one of the greatest aspirations and hardest challenges a man will face. On the good days as well as the hard ones, a father can make a powerful difference in the life of a child. The impact of a father’s legacy shapes generations. Get ready for Father's Day with these inspiring quotes honoring the importance of fatherhood.
10 Practical Prompts for Listening to Jesus in Bible Reading
Will Jesus speak to me? Do you long to develop confidence that Jesus will speak to you in a personal way as you read God’s Word? God speaks in many ways, but the Bible tells us that in these days He has spoken to us in His Son (Hebrews 11:1). In this post I’m sharing practical prompts that helped me learn to listen as I meditate on a Scripture passage. Don't miss some of my best tips for cultivating a deeper relationship with Christ through my new Spiritual Growth Pack of tip sheets, truths, and prayers.
The Easter Collection: Best Devotions to Celebrate Lent and Easter
Enjoy a curated collection of top Easter devotions from award-winning author, Ginger Harrington. These popular devotions for women provide lots of inspiration to focus on the power of what Christ has done for us by dying on the cross. Gain fresh appreciation for the power of the resurrection what it means for us. Enjoy a variety of free printable resources in several of the posts.
4 Powerful Ways to Peace in Decision Making
Making life-changing decisions is stressful. Decisions about schools, jobs, relationships, family, moves, or major purchases bring big changes that take us into the unknown. Fear of making the wrong decision stirs up what if’s that take us...
Listen to Jesus: 4 Truths Every Believer Needs to Hear
During this Lenten season we have been leaning in close to listen to Jesus. I've been posting daily short devotions on social media. The goal is to open our hearts to what the Spirit has to say to us each day as we meditate on a specific verse. It is my prayer that this regular practice during Lent becomes a holy habit we continue through out the year. Faith deepens as we recognize that Jesus is speaking through His Word. As you prepare for Easter, join us in these holy moments for listening to Jesus with our whole heart.
Six Short Devotions to Help You Listen to Jesus
The Bible tells us that in these days, God speaks through his son (Hebrews 1:2). Listening to Jesus takes time, faith, and practice as we cultivate a listening life. As we prepare our hearts for Easter during this Lenten season, be intentional about making time to hear God's voice. Ponder a short insight to help you listen to Jesus and open holy moments throughout your day. You will find tips ways to use the printable version of the devotions and the graphics at the end of the post.