One Simple Antidote to Worry
Isn't it easy to grab hold of a verse and try to stick it onto our souls like a bandaid? As if one quick fix and the bleeding of our hearts will stop. Yet bandaids will not cure the troubles of our souls, any more than pulling a single verse out of context will fix our brokenness.Verses will never be bandaids, but believing opens our hearts for the power of God to strengthen and calm.
Simple Grace to Overcome Worry
If we choose to breathe grace for the simple things each day,what will happen?
We can learn to take life one step at a time, trusting God in the midst of the moment, no matter what that moment looks like. Or feels like.
The Opportunity of This Moment
In the moment, change the attitude and trust God to transform the heart. Grace to live well in little choices is the blessing I crave. Added together, holy moments change lives from the inside out.
One Simple Thing: Living Whole
Holiness moves through the small things, grace for the moments, simple and short. If we reach for the grace of holiness in this moment, what difference could it make?
Truth to Hang on to When Life is Busy
I did manage to multi-task...once. I believe that was back in 1997. Just kidding, but I do find it a challenge to keep up with many things and do it all to the level that I'd like. Maybe this is a struggle for you as well. If so, let's encourage each other! The temptation is to look ahead and want to panic. Or maybe just hyperventilate a bit. That's the temptation but not the truth.
Carrie Daws and The Warrior’s Bride
Author Carrie Daws shares about her newest book The Warrior's Bride: Biblical Strategies to Help the Military Spouse Thrive.
How Do You Make Goals for this Year?
I’m not sure what’s on your list of goals for this year, but believe me, we’ve all got a list of what we think we should be, what we should have done, and we could go on and on until tomorrow has run out of minutes.
Grace Defined
Grace is like oxygen; we simply must have it in order to breathe and survive the crazy days on this planet. Like air that fills our lungs and fuels the cells of our bodies, we are often unaware that we are constantly breathing grace. As we begin this new year, how many ways is grace expressed in your life?
For the Love of Christmas Sweaters
Every year I wait eleven long months... to wear my Christmas sweater.I had an entire wardrobe of candy cane and reindeer infested sweaters. Oh the bliss! Until... My teenaged girls started making fun of my beloved Christmas sweaters. Please try not to be shocked. They really are nice girls...most of the time. Join me for a little fun today...cause we all secretly love Christmas sweaters!