5 Things You Shouldn’t Say if You Want to be Humble
[tweetthis]"If I only had a little humility, I would be perfect." ~ Ted Turner[/tweetthis] In honor of meeting lots of new writer friends, I wanted to share one of my favorite fun posts. At the end of this post you will find links to a few of my...
Are You Well-Dressed For Friendship?
We might be too grown up to wear a pink tutu, but we never outgrow the joy of friendship. It doesn't matter whether a girl is 4 or 40, friendship is an important part of life.
Simple and Do-Able Ways to Beat Selfishness Today
What does the Bible say about selfishness? Selfishness impacts our relationships with others. Selflessness is the antonym of selfishness that helps us to think of others. Overcome the signs of selfishness with practical tips to be a better person.
The Simple Truth About Going to the Deep With Jesus
"And Jesus said to Simon, “Do not fear, from now on you will be catching men.” When they had brought their boats to land, they left everything and followed Him."--Luke 5:10b-11 As Jesus reveals His deity to the fishermen their lives are changed....
It’s Simply Not About the Fish or the Work
So many times I have read this familiar story, focusing on the work and the fish. I have often approached this story from the perspective of God's provision and ability. It's easy to get enamored with the big catch. I've done that. I've asked God to enter my boat and I've trusted Him for results with work that seems fruitless.
Find Courage to Try Again When Work Fails
Sometimes Christ asks us to go back to that place of failure or the work that seems fruitless. Sometimes Jesus tells us to try again. Some fish will not be caught in the shallows and some lessons cannot be learned in the easy victories of life.
Simple Encouragement When Work Fails
How do we find encouragement when we've worked hard and our nets are empty? We've all had a day like this. Maybe your whole week has been like this and you're tired of it. Sometimes the weariness goes deeper when you've cast months or years of effort into something, hoping to pull in the catch of your dreams.
At the end of the day are you muttering, "All this work for nothing? What's the point?"
Do You Feel Far Away From God?
What we think about God has everything to do with how we relate to Him. Find encouragement for your soul today.