How to Get the Most Out of Your Devotional Book
Do you use a devotional book as part of your regular time with God? Discover 4 practical spiritual growth tips for getting the most out of your devotional book from guest author, Kathy Howard. Be sure to enter to win a copy of her new book at...
Ignite Your Faith with Simple Truths for Listening to God
Simple truths about listening to God from Isaiah 50:4-5 can ignite your faith. Hearing God strengthens our souls and deepens our relationship with God. Benefit from developing the holy habit of discerning God's voice. Don't miss the giveaway at...
Focus on Jesus with the Christmas Worship Challenge
Let's practice the holy habit of worship, cherishing the presence of Christ, our Immanuel. How could this Christmas be special when we put worship at the top of our Christmas to-do list? Choose to put the best first and rediscover the gift of simplicity by taking The Christmas Worship Challenge. One devotion featuring a simple worship challenge for each day of December.
Celebrate Gratitude with Ginger and Larissa
More than an attitude, gratefulness is a holy habit that draws us closer to God, strengthens faith, lifts our emotions, and relieves the burden of worry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . We don't...
How to Get to Know God’s Voice
Get to know God's voice with helpful truths and encouragement from Ginger Harrington and Jenny Randle. Author interview, book review, and book giveaway will equip you to hear God more clearly. Biblical truth, inspiration, and practical tips for Christian women to ignite spiritual growth by listening to God.
Why You Should Stop Discounting Your Anxiety
There are many uncertainties to feed fear during these unprecedented days of COVID, social distancing, economic shutdowns, racial strife, and high-stakes elections. Now more than ever, it’s important to identify anxiety and seek support or help.
Live Soul Strong and Embrace Your Authentic Calling
When God's call seems impossibly bigger than we can handle, Lucinda Secrest McDowell equips us with keys to strengthen our souls. Join me for a guest post from my friend Lucinda.
Are Your Feelings Defining Your Faith?
Emotionally healthy spirituality is an important part of Christian discipleship. Spiritual growth accelerates as we learn to experience our feelings yet still make the choice to embrace the truth of who we are in Christ. Join me for a guest post and Soul Strength Book Bundle Giveaway!
Wisdom for Living Well on Life’s Journey + Author Interview
Recommended books for wisdom for living well on life's journey for Christian women. Resources for spiritual growth help us to deepen our relationships with God and others. Intentional living that aligns our lives with God's truth is the gift of journeying well with God, ourselves, and others. Author interview with Maggie Wallem Rowe.