by Ginger Harrington | Apr 25, 2016 | Faith, Love God
Why do we struggle to be bold when it comes to using our gifts? How many times have we taken a deep breath, fighting the urge to duck and cover, to hold back when it comes to using our gifts? At times, hesitant to even speak our mind or express an opinion? As if we...
by Ginger Harrington | Apr 19, 2016 | Love God
There is a big project on my list of goals. Part of me wants to avoid tackling this goal in that it feels beyond my ability. It is easy to feel overwhelmed, or give into a “Why bother?” attitude. In this moment I have a choice: I tackle the project on my...
by Ginger Harrington | Apr 12, 2016 | Embrace Truth, Emotions, Enjoy Life Blog Posts
Worry and anxiety are very personal subjects. May have lived hard stories and deep struggles with worry. In this guest post, I am sharing part of my story and a few of the things I have learned through the struggle. This post will not solve or prevent your own...
by Ginger Harrington | Apr 5, 2016 | Enjoy Life Blog Posts, Relationships
It had been a long, hard day and by now the toll of it was beginning to show on my face. I tried to hide it but my silence said more than I was willing. I figured if I didn’t say anything, she wouldn’t notice. I was deep in the battle and worse for the wear. I wasn’t...
by Ginger Harrington | Mar 26, 2016 | Embrace Truth
Be inspired by this short Easter poem to focus your heart on the power of hope. This Easter let your hope rise as you embrace the resurrection of Jesus. Today and every day, Christ in us is our hope of Glory. Enjoy the printable version of the poem to share with a...