A Father's Legacy. Building a godly legacy impacts generations. Support the fathers in your life with prayer. Free printable of prayers for fathers.

Every father will leave a lasting mark on his children. Legacy isn’t confined to a will or an inheritance; it’s far more important and substantial than dollars and cents.

The legacy a dad leaves has to do with the things he passes on to his children, what he gives them in terms of love, support, wisdom, character, and faith. Billy Graham once said that “a good father is one of the must unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society.”

In many ways, my dad was my first love when I was a little girl growing up in Knoxville, TN. Though I remember fun times of playing with my dad, riding piggy back and going fishing, the faith he demonstrated built a strong foundation for life.

"A father is his daughter's first love." A father's legacy is built in the relationship he fosters with his kids. Get a free printable with 50 prayers for fathers. Support the father's in your life with prayer.

[tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#fathersday #prayersfordad #parenting”]A father’s legacy is powerful.[/tweetthis]

His faith and character helped shape my view of myself, my world,  and my God, and I’m grateful for the legacy of his love.

My dad demonstrated the value of these words: “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. . . ” (Matthew 6:33a).

Fathers are blessed when they cultivate faith in God.

"A dad is his son's first hero." Father's make a valuable difference in a child's life. Leave a legacy of love and faith to your children. Free printable prayers for dads.Some of my early memories include kneeling at the end of the bed as we said “night-night” prayers. The prayers were simple, the words of a child, “Now I lay me down to sleep…and God bless Mommy and Daddy…”

Through this simple routine was part of my childhood world my dad demonstrated the importance of seeking God in prayer. His presence made an impact. He didn’t have to pray like Billy Graham to show the value of prayer.

Fathers make a difference when they build God’s kingdom.

Attending church and participating in the family of God was another way that my father led our family to seek God’s kingdom and righteousness.  Attending church is still an important value we share with our children. Demonstrating faith and teaching God’s Word are also important ways of building the kingdom of God in our own homes.

Godly fathers seek God’s righteousness.

God changes our hearts when we commit our lives to Him. Faith in Christ brings the righteousness of God into a dad’s heart, empowering him to grow in godly character. 

Caring for people was my father’s greatest gift. At home and at work, he valued people. I always knew that I was deeply loved, even when my father faced challenges or was busy at work. His heart for people showed me the importance of loving others.

Though he was a man of influence, a doctor and hospital administrator, he used his influence to make people’s lives better.

Deeply passionate about caring for the homeless, my father volunteered his time to treat many who were overlooked by society. He knew many of them by name, making sure they had access to flu shots before the winter came.

Though he was not a man to preach sermons, his example at home and in the community showed me the generous and caring father heart of God.

Though my dad passed away in 2005, there is not a day that I do not benefit from his legacy in my life.

What will our legacy be?

Seeking God first carries a blessing and a promise–all these things (our needs, cares, and concerns) will be added to you. To seek God first puts the priority of our lives on God.

[tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#fathersday #prayersfordad”]This is the spiritual legacy my father gave me—a strong foundation for a faith-filled life.[/tweetthis]

Now it’s our turn.

Through the years, I’ve watched my husband grow in faith, taking the reins of leadership in our family. It is often a heavy responsibility. Together, we’ve learned the blessing of seeking God first.

The power behind a father’s legacy.

It has been an honor to help my husband teach our children these life-lessons of faith. Holy moments are for teaching your children to trust God. Proverbs 3:5-6 is foundational in our parenting. Leading our family, my husband shows us what faith look like in his words and actions.

Does he do it perfectly?


And neither do I.

Neither did my dad.

I see the impact—both of the mistakes we’ve made and the faith we’ve taught our children. Despite our mistakes, I see a godly legacy in the lives of our children.

Mathew 6:33 shows us how to leave a legacy of faith. God is faithful…

  • In a day when many young people are leaving the church, our son committed to finding a church in the midst of the demands of graduate school.
  • In a day when sexuality has become moral confusion, our daughters seek God’s righteousness in  dating relationships.

These are places in our children’s lives where God has made straight paths and the baton of faith made a handoff from our prayers to their personal decisions.

This is the goal and the power of a father’s legacy—both the efforts we make to trust God and what our eternal Father does through our faith.

Acknowledging God in all our ways is the legacy that God uses to pass the baton of faith straight to the heart of the next generation.

Not because we did it perfectly, because, boy I tell you, we did not do it perfectly.

We trust in a God who makes our paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6 reveals the power behind a father's legacy. These verses are a great way to pray for the fathers in your life. Get a free printable of 50 prayers for fathers. Stand by the fathers in your life.

  • Encourage them.
  • Notice the things they do.
  • Honor and respect them.
  • Appreciate and celebrate them.


15 Prayers for Dad

Prayer is a vital way of supporting fathers. Consider the following prayer topics for the dads that you love!

  1. Seek God first
  2. Trust God whole-heartedly
  3. Grow in the love of God
  4. Choose not to lean on his own understanding
  5. Acknowledge God in all his ways
  6. Find his strength and courage in Christ
  7. Make wise decisions
  8. Be respected by his wife and children
  9. Cultivate a deep prayer life
  10. Learn from the Holy Spirit
  11. Build strong relationships with his children
  12. Rest and renew strength and energy
  13. Receive encouragement and favor in his work
  14. Experience good health
  15. Show humility toward others

A Printable list of these prayers for the father’s you know.

15 Prayers for Dad. Download 15 ways to pray for the fathers in your life. Help father's leave a godly legacy.

The greatest thing that we can do beyond loving and appreciating the fathers in our lives is to pray for them. Click on the list above to print a copy of 15 Prayers for Dad.

Enjoy 32 of my favorite quotes for Father’s Day in this post.

Make everyday Father’s Day with our prayers. Share a prayer for father’s in the comments! 


Enjoy more parenting posts from Ginger.


Visit Ginger’s book page to learn more about Holy in the Moment or read a sample chapter. 

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