Back to School. Summer is grinding to a close and days by the pool are done. The family vacation is stored away in the scrapbook, with pictures of smiles in the sun. Facebook posts are filled with back to school pictures, and the kids are growing up. Babies are now...
Out and About It’s always fun to get out of my corner and get out on the blog-o-spere. I have the privilege of posting regularly at several sites, 5 Minutes for Faith and More to Be. This month I’m excited to join in the fun at Wives of Faith and...
Choose Joy: Let go of the past and reach for your ONE THING. We’re all in this together–brethren is a family word. Paul affirms that the playing field is level, we are all in the process of growing closer to Christ. The more we reach forward, placing confidence...
Simple thoughts on finding joy in the moment through your relationship with God. Truths from Philippians 3 teach us how to discover joy. Joy comes and goes, often at the whim of our emotions. Have you noticed that? In reality, joy is a fruit of the Spirit, which is...
Finally…rejoice in the Lord. Sometimes its all a matter of how we look at something. Finally, as in–it’s about time? Enough already. At last… Have you ever read this verse tucked away in the third chapter of Philippians from the perspective...
So glad you're here. I help busy women—gals like you— build healthy habits for living well with biblical wisdom and practical steps to deepen your faith, increase your hope, and thrive in your purpose.