Everyday Choices for Living Faith

Everyday Choices for Living Faith

Do you ever feel like faith is a dry, nebulous concept? Like cotton candy, faith can seem to be something fluffed up of with imaginings and held together by a web of sugar coated wishes. Just have enough faith and you can conger up whatever you want, our...
Choose Faith for One Simple Thing

Choose Faith for One Simple Thing

Now faith. Just as umbrellas shield us from the rain, faith covers us from the questions and fears that flood our souls. When storm clouds gather, rain can sprinkle in a mist or pelt in torrent and an umbrella is only as good as the using of it in the moment....
Grace Defined

Grace Defined

 Grace is a word we bounce off our tongue with ease. We bandy it about, sometimes carelessly. These five letters pop up frequently in sermons and songs, and in many ways have become part of the Christian lingo. Some might even think of the word grace as...

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