We often struggle when waiting is hard. Difficult circumstances, discouragement, impatience, and doubt are a few of the challenges of waiting. Learn to make the most of your wait by resting in the Lord, tips on waiting with faith from Psalm 37. Today the...
Dressed for summer heat, I shivered in a cold office as I waited for the doctor to come in. I waited. And waited. My stomach growled, reminding me it was lunchtime. Finally giving up, I peeked my head out the door and went to find someone–only to find out that...
What kind of rest do you need? Feeling overwhelmed and exhausted? Learn why you need to rest in the Lord as you include various kinds of rest in your lifestyle. Trusting God brings a kind of rest that brings life and peace. Rest in the Lord. Now that is one of those...
How to make the most of each day? We find it all spelled out in Psalm 37. Welcome back to this series. Part 1 and Part 2. Commit your way to God. Ever thought through what it means to commit your way to God? In reality, this is our life journey, and it includes our...
So glad you're here. I help busy women—gals like you— build healthy habits for living well with biblical wisdom and practical steps to deepen your faith, increase your hope, and thrive in your purpose.