Get motivated to build healthy eating habits for health and well-being. These easy tips for healthy eating include your mindset as well as habits with food and nutrition. Discover how good you can feel when you give your body the nutrients you need to be your best....
Ready to stop procrastinating on better habits of health for your body, soul, and spirit? Enjoy this collection of motivating quotes to work on healthy habits for greater wellness for the whole person. Focus on routines and tips to support your goals with The Wellness...
Despite careful time management, productivity tools, and more multitasking, many of us have little or no margin. The stress of living in overdrive is so common that we often fail to recognize how tired we are at the soul level. Do you need to establish rhythms of life...
Friendship is an art built on good habits of relationships. Learn to be the friend you long to have with 25 ideas for strong relationships. We don’t come into this world know how to be a good friend. If we look for the perfect friend, we won’t find one. ...
The word sync has to do with harmonious relationships–at least two things that are working together in a good grove. Originally it was used in the movie industry to indicate whether or not the sound was matching up with the action. We can all remember old films...
So glad you're here. I help busy women—gals like you— build healthy habits for living well with biblical wisdom and practical steps to deepen your faith, increase your hope, and thrive in your purpose.